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license for Comp-CW "expired" with new serial number


Hi - I am teaching a course using Parallel Studio XE 2016 Cluster Edition that was installed originally in Fall of 2015. I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 on a 16-core Mac Pro.

That 1-year license just expired, so I applied for a new one and was given the serial number yesterday.

When I used Intel Software Manager to input the new serial number, all the components came up as "Support expires on October-09-17", so I thought we were good to go. The 10 components listed on the Licenses tab of SW Manager are:

  • {Advisor, Inspector, VTune Amplifier} XE 2016
  • Parallel Studio XE 2016 Cluster Edition
  • IPP 9.0, MKL, 11.3, TBB 4.4, Trace Analyzer & Collector 9.1
  • In addition, I still have the 2013 edition of C++ & Fortran Composer XE installed (which I plan to uninstall)

However, when I tried to use the compiler today I got the message:

1>  Building with Intel(R) C++ Compiler 16.0
1>  ***** ClCompile (Win32 - Intel C++)
1>  Error: A license for Comp-CW could not be obtained
1>  Your license has expired.

Just before the previous license expired, this was working (i.e., earlier in the week).

I have not applied the latest Update 4 for Cluster Edition (for fear of needing to recheck/revise my lab instructions). Anyway, I doubt if that would cause the license issue.

Please let me know what I have to do to get the product working again!

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2 Replies

There's another layer to this problem:

I discovered that icl works in the Administrator account, which suggested a permission problem. The .lic was created with only Admin permission, hence the Users group could not read it. This must be a current oddity of the Intel Software Manager, since I never ran into this in previous years.

From my standpoint, the problem is solved, but you may want to look into why the SW Mgr doesn't automatically let the Users group see the license.

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Thanks! I'll follow up on your findings. Hubert.

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