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Intel 600p1tb extremely slow writes after firmware update PSF121C

New Contributor

After updating to the latest firmware my write speeds are that of a normal HD.


New Contributor


After a month of 'hard work',your conclusion is 'even better after update'.Are you kidding?

How you explain the file '600p - Storage BeforeFW.JPG' and '600p - Storage AfterFW.JPG' you uploaded?Before update,the seq write spend is 558MB/s,after is 179MB/s.As like as an apple is to an oyster.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello Jlegas,

The screenshots are on /message/480988# 480988 this link, we ran Crystal Disk Mark* and AS SSD*. We found that AS SSD* is not an accurate or even valid benchmark tool as the numbers are really low, but, if you take a look at the Crystal Disk Mark* pictures, you will see the normal speed on the drive.Our system is an Asus Z270 motherboard, 8GB RAM, SSD 600p 256GB.Regards,Nestor C

New Contributor

Sadly I'm not in the position to format right now, pretty busy and can't have my PC down.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello Exposed,

We totally understand your position, please let us know if you can maybe try it or test it on a different computer since we were not able to replicate it.Regards,Nestor C

New Contributor

This looks like you're just discarding AS SSD Benchmark merely because the results of this fine benchmark tool aren't to your liking. AS SSD Benchmark has been used by renowned tech sites for years in reviews of SSD drives, while none of these abhorrent results showed up for any other drive. It can be seen as the defacto standard.

However this problem came into being, it is purely because of the changes in the update from 109c to 121c. Since you give end users no way to downgrade in order to circumvent the issue, it should be addressed.

You might argue that benchmarks are synthetic, but that doesn't stand; they are created to simulate certain use cases and your product should be able to be used in any of those cases. Currently, it clearly fails there. I sincerely hope you will investigate, possibly by contacting the AS SSD developers in order to get more details about the way in which the test is set up and find out the cause of the issue.

Since the firmware update, I am very disappointed with my SSD's performance. Upon large file transfers (real-world example), I also see degraded performance, but the key here seems access times. Nothing has changed in my system since. No new software has been installed, I have kept Windows (10 x64) from doing any updates, so the difference can't be due to any updates either. Still, these are the horrific results. Have a look:

System specs:

Intel Core i7-6700

Gigabyte GA-H170N-WIFI

Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2A2400C14

Intel 600p 256GB