Intel® Optane™ Solid State Drives
Support for Issues Related to Solid State Drives based on Intel® Optane™ technology, Intel® MAS and Firmware Update Tool

Issue about Endurance Analyzer



I have to questions about Endurance Analyzer

First, I wonder Intel MAS how to calculate Endurance by E2,E3,E4 smart attributes

I found it was mentioned at

However, E3 was not used in that example, I think something was missed?

Is it right?

Second, I want to know can I reset Endurance Analyzer by smartctl?

Does "smartctl -t vendor,0x40 /dev/sdX" equal to "intelmas set -intelssd Y EnduranceAnalyzer=reset "


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1 Solution

Hello, dcfdcm,


Thank you for your patience.


Please review the following information:


  • You are following the correct steps for the calculation.


  • For practical purposes (which is the goal of the Endurance Analyzer), a value of 1.10 or 1.08 years, could be considered as the same value.

The difference is okay (and very minimal). The difference is 0.02 years, which represents a difference of 7.3 days.


  • Keep in mind that the results of this calculation will provide you with a value, that is an estimation of the SSDs life expectancy in years, and it says, that based on current workload, the SSD endurance limit may be reached in 1 year ( it could be more or less this number, but around 1 year), consider that the limit could be reached in 11 months for example, and not exactly in 12 months.


If you have any future questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you.


Best regards,


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel®

View solution in original post

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8 Replies

Hellot dcfdcm,


Thank you for contacting Intel® Memory & Storage Support.


Let us further investigate your inquiry for information, related to the Endurance Analyzer in the Intel® Memory and Storage Tool.


We will be contacting you back as soon as we have an update, or in case further information is required.


Best regards.


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel®

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Hello, dcfdcm,


Thank you for your patience.


To answer your questions:


  • E3 was not used in that example, I think something was missed? Is it right?


- The E3 is not used in the formula according to the whitepaper. It's just a reference for the read/write IO operations ratio during the test time.


  • I want to know can I reset Endurance Analyzer by smartctl?


Does "smartctl -t vendor,0x40 /dev/sdX" equal to "intelmas set -intelssd Y EnduranceAnalyzer=reset "


We do apologize, but we do not provide support for 3rd party solutions as smartctl and we advise you to use our tools that are compatible with different Windows* and Linux*OS.


Please, take into consideration that the Endurance Analyzer is a feature in our tools (DCT and Intel® MAS CLI), so it's not available in other 3rd party tools.


Based on the white paper, these attributes can be reset by issuing the SMART Execute Immediate ATA command (for SATA SSDs), and the NVMe Vendor Unique Set Feature D5h command (for NVMe SSDs).


For your convenience, our tools perform all these actions via the Endurance Analyzer feature, by showing the final value in years, but if you prefer to use another 3rd party tool (like smartctl), you would have to check with the tool developer on how to send such commands to the SSD.


We will be looking forward to your reply.


Best regards,


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel®

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Hi, Josh

Thank you for your reply

I still wonder how to get Endurance Analyzer estimated lifetime just through E2~E4,

for example, in my machine, E2=31, E3=29, E4=170

according to the formula in whitepaper, estimated lifetime=(170/60/24)*100%/0.031%=380.82 days = 1.04 years

But "intelmas show -intelssd 1 -enduranceanalyzer" shows 1.07 years

I know these two values are close, but I wonder if I miss anything in calculation?


Thank you


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Hello, dcfdcm,


Thank you for your reply.


To further investigate your inquiry, we will appreciate it if you can provide us with the following logs, using the Intel Memory and Storage Tool:


• SSD information: intelmas show -all -intelssd +SSD_index

• SMART attributes: intelmas show -smart -intelssd +SSD_index-


A complete User Guide is available below (check the section 3.4.3)


Please, replace the +SSD_index with the actual index number your SSD have ( in your case seems to be intelssd 1).


Let me know if you need further help running the commands above. A complete User Guide is available here:


• Provide us with the output of the "intelmas show -intelssd 1 -enduranceanalyzer" command to compare the information.


Please, take into consideration that these logs and information should be extracted simultaneously, and under the normal workload to be accurate.


We will be looking forward to your reply.


Best regards,


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel®

0 Kudos

Hi, Josh

Attached files are logs followed by your advice

According to logs, we can know E2=51, E4=289, and EnduranceAnalyzer : 1.10 years

Calculate as whitepaper's formula, EnduranceAnalyzer =E4/60/24*100/E2*1000/365 = 1.08 years


Thank you

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Hello, dcfdcm,


Thank you for your reply.


Let us review the logs, and information you provided us, we are going to investigate your inquiry related to the Endurance Analyzer in the Intel® Memory and Storage Tool.


We will be contacting you back as soon as we have an update, or in case further information is required.


Best regards.


Josh B.
Intel® Customer Support Technician
A Contingent Worker at Intel®

0 Kudos

Hello, dcfdcm,


Thank you for your patience.


Please review the following information:


  • You are following the correct steps for the calculation.


  • For practical purposes (which is the goal of the Endurance Analyzer), a value of 1.10 or 1.08 years, could be considered as the same value.

The difference is okay (and very minimal). The difference is 0.02 years, which represents a difference of 7.3 days.


  • Keep in mind that the results of this calculation will provide you with a value, that is an estimation of the SSDs life expectancy in years, and it says, that based on current workload, the SSD endurance limit may be reached in 1 year ( it could be more or less this number, but around 1 year), consider that the limit could be reached in 11 months for example, and not exactly in 12 months.


If you have any future questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you.


Best regards,


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel®

0 Kudos

Hi Intel ENG,

Can you help me calculate "estimated drive's life remaining"of my SSD NVME?

Description : Standard SMART Health Info

- 100 -

Action : Pass
Description : Temperature
ID : 100
Raw : 36
Units : degree C

- 102 -

Action : Pass
Description : Available Spare Normalized percentage of the remaining spare capacity available
ID : 102
Raw : 100
Threshold : 12

- 104 -

Action : Pass
Description : Percentage Used
ID : 104
Raw : 104

- 11F -

Action : Pass
Description : Data Units Read
ID : 11F
Raw : 5683050

- 12F -

Action : Pass
Description : Data Units Written
ID : 12F
Raw : 1934773417

- 13F -

Action : Pass
Description : Host Read Commands
ID : 13F
Raw : 38831781

- 14F -

Action : Pass
Description : Host Write Commands
ID : 14F
Raw : 8091588623

- 15F -

Action : Pass
Description : Controller Busy Time
ID : 15F
Raw : 39234

- 16F -

Action : Pass
Description : Power Cycles
ID : 16F
Raw : 61

- 17F -

Action : Pass
Description : Power On Hours
ID : 17F
Raw : 7198

- 18F -

Action : Pass
Description : Unsafe Shutdowns
ID : 18F
Raw : 18

- 19F -

Action : Pass
Description : Media Errors
ID : 19F
Raw : 0

- 1AF -

Action : Pass
Description : Number of Error Info Log Entries
ID : 1AF
Raw : 0

- 1BF -

Action : Pass
Description : Warning Composite Temperature Time
ID : 1BF
Raw : 0

- 1C3 -

Action : Pass
Description : Critical Composite Temperature Time
ID : 1C3
Raw : 0

- FF -

Action : Fail
Description : Critical Warnings
Raw : 1

- 300 -

Action : Pass
Description : Available Spare Space has fallen below the threshold
ID : 300
Raw : 0

- 301 -

Action : Pass
Description : Temperature has exceeded a critical threshold
ID : 301
Raw : 0

- 302 -

Action : Fail
Description : Device reliability has degraded
ID : 302
Raw : 1

- 303 -

Action : Pass
Description : Media is in a read-only mode
ID : 303
Raw : 0

- 304 -

Action : Pass
Description : Volatile memory backup device has failed
ID : 304
Raw : 0

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