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Security Freeze Lock Intel 320 SSD

Esteemed Contributor III

Intel 320 SSD 120gb latest firmware

I have not yet been successful in removing the "Security Freeze Lock" after trying the recommended remove SATA connection "quickly" (while running) method.

I am retiring an old laptop in which this drive was the boot drive. The migration laptop will not recognize the drive. Other computers have been able to recognize the drive as a data drive. The migration laptop is able to recognize other drives.

Thanks for constructive feedback.


Esteemed Contributor III

You can create a Parted Magic OS boot on a USB stick. Boot and under System Utilities choose secure erase - it will alert you to the security freeze and request you enter sleep state to remove it, do this and youre unfrozen.

Esteemed Contributor III

Just trying this myself it says it still is frozen. Parted Magic 12_30

Still the drive says it's frozen when booting back up to Windows 7 and it says it's write protected.