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Superprefetch enabled - Do I need to disable if not OS drive?

Esteemed Contributor III

I have a new SSD 320 series 300gb the Toolbox tells me it is not optimized as the Superprefetch in Win7 is enabled. The SSD is not used as the OS drive and there are no programmes or applications on so do I need to dis-able pre-fetch?


Esteemed Contributor III

What's on the SSD?

The disabling of SuperFetch is more of a recommendation.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi I'm setting machine up for video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro. I'm told that the bst use of the SSD for video editing is to store the source video files as this will speed up the reading of the files but not to use it for writing cahce or scratch files.

Appreciate any advice.

many thanks

Esteemed Contributor III

I am not that familar with Premiere, but that actually sounds counterintuitive.

I assume the reading of video files will be large sequential reads? If so, then an array of HDDs would probably provide similar benefits there. The major advantage of SSDs are the random writes and reads (cache benefits). Then again, I do not know the disk usage patterns of the Premiere.