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windows 7 hard disk failure notification

Esteemed Contributor III


I am using an intel SS DSA2M160G2GC drive and received a warning from Windows 7 saying that Windows has detected an error in the hard drive and that I should backup it immediately and call the support. It says (not in english): "the following disks are reporting failure: intel SS DSA2M160G2GC SCSI Disk Device". The system is Dell XPS Studio 1340, running Windows 7 home premium 64bit.

In addition, on trying to run Norton Ghost 15 drive backup I get the following error message:

"-Unable to create incremental recovery point.

--Error E7C3000F: Device \\?\SymantecSnapshot0 cannot read 4472 sectors starting at LBA 132412680.

---Error EBAB03F1:

‏‏לא היתה אפשרות לבצע את הבקשה עקב שגיאה של התקן פלט/קלט.



the translation of the message is "there was no possibility of processing the request due to an error in input/output device".

I am able to reproduce this error message every time I run the drive backup using Norton Ghost.

This is the first time I am having these error messages. The drive worked perfectly for the past few months since I bought it.

Can I solve this problem by using chkdsk or by writing zeros to the the whole drive?

I will be grateful for your help.




Esteemed Contributor III

Yes. Intel SSD Toolbox Version

Upadted Bios to A14. Can't use any of the tools.

The drive keeps working. I managed to write zeroes to the whole drive using data lifeguard utility and it didn't produce any error message... I don't know if that means the drive's OK and if so, why did it produce the original message? How can I check wheater it's OK or not? I need to no if it should be returned. attached is a screenshot of the toolbox. Thanks.

The Toolbox says says

Esteemed Contributor III

meant to write "need to know" not "need to no"... sorry

Esteemed Contributor III

Do you have Sata as IDE or AHCI in BIOS?

Esteemed Contributor III


btw the Windows 7 message appeared again. I think I will have no choice but to send that drive..

Esteemed Contributor III

If anything, try it in another computer first..