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9260ngw conection speed degrade after suspend


I have 9260ngw for upgrade my asus n752vx notebook. My router is Netgear 7800.

Drivers: BT_20.10.0_64_Win10.exe and WiFi_20.10.2_PROSet64_Win10.exe.

Work fine at 5ghz, connection speed 1.7Gbps is real.

But after system susped at resume new conection speed degrade to 173Mbps.

Only disable/enable 9260ngw in device manager can help to return to 1.7Gbps.

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2 Replies

Hello dachny,



We understand that you're experiencing a difference in wireless connection speed after resuming from sleep mode.



Please bear in mind that Intel does not support, nor recommends custom integration of wireless adapters since this may lead to installation errors, connection issues, software error messages, and in some cases it may even be illegal.



Intel does not recommend end users install or upgrade the various Intel® Wireless Adapter; you should always contact the Computer Manufacturer Support or its authorized representative to check which adapters are supported by your PC and have replaced with them whenever possible. For more information, please check the following advisories:



- https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005846/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html?wapkw=5846 Why Doesn't My Laptop Recognize My New Intel® Wireless Adapter?


- https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005687/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade



In order to better assist you, we would like to gather some more information. Please download and run the https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility-for-Windows-?product=91600 Intel® System Support Utility while connected to your network. Make two files, one while the connection is at full capacity and another one when you resume from sleep and share the resulting reports with us.



To enable file attachments, you will need to switch to the advanced editor mode while replying.



Best regards,


Eugenio F.
0 Kudos

Hello dachny,



We haven't heard from you since the creation of the post and would like to know if you still require assistance.



Best regards,


Eugenio F.
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