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Connectivity issue Intel Dual Band WL-AC 8260 / Access Point Asus EA AC87



I have connectivity troubles as follows:

Laptop: Asus Zenbook UX330UA, WIN 10 64 bit

WLAN Adapter Intel Dual Band WL-AC 8260, driver version, standard settings

Router: Fritzbox WLAN 7390, latest firmware, set to 5 GH band only (to compare with access point). Other devices (Android, iOS, WIN) show no connectivitiy issues.

Access Point: Asus EA AC87, latest firmware, 5 GH band only. Other devices (Android, iOS, WIN) show no connectivitiy issues.

The laptop connects w/o problems to the Router. However, when connecting to the Access Point, the adapter cannot identify the network. Laptop seems to be connected to AP, but no internet connection possible; Access Point however does not list the laptop among its connected devices. IP address of laptop is 169.254.241.xx, so a windows assigned IP and not assigned by AP.

The only difference I found btw router and AP is that the security setting in the router are WPA + WPA2 (where WPA is TKIP and WPA2 CCMP), while the AP works with WPA2 AES.

I've tried all sorts of resets / re-installations on both AP and laptop and don't know what else to do. Grateful for any help.


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9 Replies

Additional information:

in the resources tab of the properties of the AC 8260 under "information" it says that "the Device 'PCI \VEN_8086&DEV_24F3&SUBSYS_01108086&REV_3A\F0D5BFFFFF7C287E00" requires further installations.

In the list of local events in windows, there are several error message:

- the device "the Device 'PCI \VEN_8086&DEV_24F3&SUBSYS_01108086&REV_3A\F0D5BFFFFF7C287E00" could not be migrated

- a problem occured when starting the device 'PCI \VEN_8086&DEV_24F3&SUBSYS_01108086&REV_3A\F0D5BFFFFF7C287E00"

all message translated from German, maybe wording not 100% correct....


Hello Frank,



As we understand, your system is having issues connecting to a specific access point. Here are a few things you can check about this:



- Apply the configuration from the following advisory: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005544.html Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity



- Check the access point configuration and make sure that any white-list is disabled or at least allowing this computer, also, verify if there is any QOS configuration limiting the connection from this wireless adapter.



- Test using a dedicated SSID with no security.



- Try using the latest driver available from https://www.asus.com/Notebooks/ASUS-ZenBook-UX330UA/overview/ Asus* Support.


Note: This 3rd party link is being offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel of the content, products, or services offered there.






Hello Jonathan

thank you for your suggestions.

- Apply the configuration from the following advisory: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005544.html Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity

=> done, no changes; however, there are some recommended settings which I do not find in my settings. I'll send a screenshot in a minute.

- Check the access point configuration and make sure that any white-list is disabled or at least allowing this computer, also, verify if there is any QOS configuration limiting the connection from this wireless adapter.

=> no white lists, MAC filters, QOS or the like are applied

- Test using a dedicated SSID with no security.

=> I turned off windows firewall, no improvement

- Try using the latest driver available from https://www.asus.com/Notebooks/ASUS-ZenBook-UX330UA/overview/ Asus* Support.

=> I did, Asus Software tells me that all drivers are up to date.

any other suggestions?



0 Kudos


I do not have the Option 802.11 n mode enable / disable in my Settings.

0 Kudos

Hello Frank,



For testing purposes, please create a new Wireless Network (SSID) from the access point, do no use any security, nor encryption and check if the adapter is able to connect this way.



We see that you already have a driver installed and this is why the Asus installer said it was up to date. However, we advise to perform a clean installation of the driver to discard any configuration or driver corruption issues, the OEM version is always the best option to try since Asus may have modified the driver or the adapter for use in your system. Please do this with the following steps:



1. As first option try using the latest version available from your https://www.asus.com/Notebooks/ASUS-ZenBook-UX330UA/overview/ Computer Manufacturer Support.


If the issue is not solved with the OEM driver, repeat the process using the generic driver version from Intel® Download Center:



https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26465/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-10 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows® 10 [19.20.3]



2. Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software", if it is installed. When prompted, choose the option to "Discard settings".


3. In Control Panel, Device Manager, Network Adapters, right click on the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 and Uninstall it. Make sure you mark the option to "Delete the driver software for this device".


4. Reboot the PC or scan for hardware changes, check device manager and if an older wireless driver is detected and installed, repeat the actions to uninstall and delete it as well. Repeat this process until the OS does not allow deleting the driver, or until the controller shows as Unknown Device.


5. Remove temporary files: Press the Windows Key + R to open the run box. Type Cleanmgr.exe. Press OK. Select the main drive, usually C:\. Check Temporary Files and uncheck everything else. Press OK.


6. Install the Intel Wireless driver. During the first steps of PROSet/Wireless installation, make sure to customize the installation and install all driver components.



For any further assistance, we will need to get a system report from your PC:



- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility Download Intel® System Support Utility, run the tool and use it to create a report with all sections, on the next screen Save the report to a file. Then use the Advanced editor options in the forums to add the resulting XML file to your post as an attachment.





0 Kudos

Hello Jonathan,

I created an open guest Network through the Access Point - other devices connected, Laptop did not.

I reset the Access Point to create an open SSID Network - other devices connected, Laptop did not

I uninstalled all Software and Drivers. The Option "delete Driver Software" was not available; the lowest Version which was automatically re-installed was 18.4 - no Internet connedtion possible

The updated Version from Asus was 19.1 (through Intel ProSet Software), no Internet conneciton possible.

Using the newest ProSet Version, i installed 19.20.3 - no Internet Connection possible.

Attached the XML file. thx for your help.

There is still an error message in the Settings of the Driver:

Beim Start des Geräts PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24F3&SUBSYS_01108086&REV_3A\F0D5BFFFFF7C287E00 ist ein Problem aufgetreten. => a Problem has occurred starting the device

Treibername: oem26.inf


Klassen-GUID: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}


Dienst: Netwtw04


Untere Filter:


Obere Filter: vwifibus


Problem: 0x15


Problemstatus: 0x0
0 Kudos

Hello Frank,



I checked the log and confirmed that the connection is not displayed correctly, the Network is detected but it does not show a channel and network type. In the log, the adapter looks normal and the settings are optimized for 802.11ac, however, they should work fine with most wireless networks.



In this case, the cause of the problem appears to be external from the wireless adapter (OS issues, or configuration of the wireless network).



From out side, we recommend to consider some troubleshooting from the side of the Operating System. Please disconnect the wired connection, then consider running the Network troubleshooter, reset network stack, try disabling Firewall and AV. These actions are mentioned in the following Microsoft* Advisory:





Note: This link is being offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel of the content, products, or services offered there.





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Dear Jonathan,

thx for all the help and suggestions, I've tried all the different procedures, unfortunately nothing worked. I'm in contact with ASUS (again) now to find out whether the problem results from the Access Point (I'd contacted them before, the pointed me to Intel....)

Kind regards


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Hello Frank,



Please check with the manufacturer since the adapter appears to be operating normally and as you mentioned, it works well with your wireless router, the issue is when you try to connect to this access point. Feel free to let us know if you have further questions.





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