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Intel N 7260 unable to connect to a home network (WEP/Shared)


Just took delivery of Yoga 2 Pro on Sunday with Wireless N 7260 and Windows 8.1. Installed latest Wireless ProSet from Intel's download site.

All attempts to connect to my home network that is using a shared key authentication with WEP encryption have failed. I have an iPhone, a Blackberry, a Mac, an Android tablet, an iPad 2, a Windows 7 laptop and a Windows 7 desktop all connected to this network without a problem.

The WAP model is Netgear WPN802 v.2, standard 802.11g.

Upon attempting to connect to the network, the following curt error message appears: "Can't connect to this network".

My initial attempt was to let the adapter discover the network and type in the password when the prompt appeared. When this didn't work, I went on to manually create the profile using "Manually connect to wireless network" wizard. However, this was to no avail either. It seems that the drop-down menu for the "Security type" in the network properties wizard does not have "Shared". The two files attached show that menu as seen from my Windows 7 PC and from the Yoga 2 Pro.

Note I had no problem connecting to a wireless network in the office, where the security used is WPA. I've also been able to connect the portable devices mentioned above to that network.

If someone experienced similar problems, I would really appreciate any tips or recommendations on how to make this wifi adapter work the way it is supposed to: see the network, connect.

1 Solution

It seems Windows* 8 does not natively support WEP Shared anymore based on the link below.

http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/c5aa823b-284a-4f7b-9cbc-a30f9b5e59f2/windows-8-wep-shared-key-resolution?forum=w8itpronetworking http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/c5aa823b-284a-4f7b-9cbc-a30f9b5e59f2/windows-8-wep-shared-key-resolution?forum=w8itpronetworking

Have you used an older Intel® Proset version or updated the AP's firmware?

Perhaps you may also want to consider using a more secure encryption method instead.

View solution in original post

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9 Replies

I'm having similar problems with a Thinkpad Yoga and a Yoga Pro 2, both with 7260 cards. However it's all networks. I've updated to the latest and "greatest" driver and it doesn't help. WPA (PSK and enterprise) connections periodically drop even after power saving features are disabled and the laptop is plugged in. When transferring large files, the adapter seems to quit and the only way to get it working again is to disable and re-enable. Additionally, it won't even connect to my iphone. I logged it in proset and it's re-authenticating 5 times a second without ever actually connecting succesfully. I couldn't even register for this forum without having the connection drop. I've resorted to using a USB wireless adapter on one of the machines and that's been working solid on all connections, but is not ideal as it seems to use much more power. However it's connected reliably at 54 Mbps.

I'm past the term to return these laptops as I didn't know how bad these new wireless adapters were. Lenovo hasn't been much help and turnaround times to "repair" them is around 3 weeks.

I've attached log files that show constant errors when connected "successfully" to a Meraki wireless network and it shows the constant reauthentication with my Iphone trying to tether.

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Hello chaltik, please attempt to connect using Intel® Proset Software instead of Windows* Wireless Auto Configuration. In order to do so, you may open the software from the icon in the system tray, also found in Apps as a blue icon named "WiFi Connection Utility". You will have the options to simply connect to the SSID or create a profile manually.

Mattd970, I understand you have the same adapter but your issue is completely different. We would highly appreciate if you create a new thread for your inquiry and we will follow up there.

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Joe, thanks a lot for your suggestion. First, while at work, I verified that I understood how use the ProSet software by using it to connect to network there. It worked without a problem, as before.

However, when i attempted to connect to my home network, again no success.

screenshots attached. Any other ideas are vey welcome

0 Kudos

Did you try to create a profile manually with Intel® Proset?

Click on Profiles, Add. Fill the blanks for General Settings.

In Security, choose Enterprise Security; then Shared, WEP.

Please let me know…

0 Kudos

Yes, I did. First time the ProSet discovered the network, it automatically created a profile. After that failed, i deleted the profile, then manually created one. Same result in both cases. The profile set up wizard correctly offered me WEP-128bit as one of the options (and the only one capable of taking the 26 character password . But somehow it did not help


It seems Windows* 8 does not natively support WEP Shared anymore based on the link below.

http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/c5aa823b-284a-4f7b-9cbc-a30f9b5e59f2/windows-8-wep-shared-key-resolution?forum=w8itpronetworking http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/c5aa823b-284a-4f7b-9cbc-a30f9b5e59f2/windows-8-wep-shared-key-resolution?forum=w8itpronetworking

Have you used an older Intel® Proset version or updated the AP's firmware?

Perhaps you may also want to consider using a more secure encryption method instead.

0 Kudos

Joe, many thanks for digging this out. Clearly then it is not Intel or even a Lenovo problem (outside of the fact that neither protested against this Microsoft behavior)

To answer your question, I am certainly using the latest ProSet - the computer is only 5 days old, and I have just downloaded it from intel download website.

But it is apparent from the that brief discussion on the microsoft discussion that this is one of their f****ps, and what's worse, they (and some people) think it is acceptable.

i have three windows 7 pc's, a mac, an iphone, a blackberry, an ipad, an android tablet inside the house that work fine with my router. i have to reconfigure the whole system to make this one laptop work? but more to the point, i have no control over all the networks around the world that i might have to connect. I've been to several foreign countries over the past two years, on 5-10 day visits. Pretty certain all the small businesses there (cafes and hotels) are not tripping over themselves to get compliant with windows 8 new requirements. Had i had this laptop with me, it would have been nothing more than a pretty brick.

Oh my, have i finally came to having to buy a mac....?

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how you managed launch intel proset wireless connection utility. I've installed proset software on win 7 pro -64, and i couldn't find any connection untility in start or in program files.

Please asssist in this issue.

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Please check the links below.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025791.htm Intel� Wi-Fi Products; Switch the Wi-Fi radio on using Intel� PROSet/Wireless Software

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-031157.htm Intel� Wi-Fi Products; User Guide: Intel� PROSet/Wireless WiFi v13.0 (PDF) (Page 4 from PDF)

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