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Intel(R) Wifi 6 AX201 disappeared in tray


Intel(R) Wifi 6 AX201 icon in tray no longer an option. Hard wired to get this issue out in the ether. Tried all the TS that has been provided on this forum. Attached is the scan that is always requested. Any ideas much appreciated. Also tried different dated Intel drivers. This is an MSI laptop running win 11. Upgraded to 11 maybe 3 weeks ago?

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2 Replies
Super User

Yea, multiple people have reported problems with the Wireless modules after doing a Windows 11 upgrade. You need to do a clean install of the Wireless and Bluetooth drivers to fix this issue. Here is my step-by-step process for doing so; follow it exactly: 

  1. If you haven't already, download - but do not install just yet - the latest Bluetooth and Wireless driver packages for your adapter. Here are the current links for downloading these drivers: Wireless: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19351 and Bluetooth: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/18649.
  2. Most important! Disable Internet access. Unplug Ethernet cable and/or disable wireless. Keep disabled until told to re-enable. Note this Wireless disable *must* be of type that will persist and stay disabled across reboots.
  3. From the Apps & Features applet, check for instances of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth. If none, skip forward to Step 6.
  4. Uninstall each instance of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and/or Intel Wireless Bluetooth that is present. When prompted, choose to "Discard Settings".
  5. Manually reboot your computer, keeping Internet access disabled throughout.
  6. From the Device Manager applet, check the Network Adapters section for an entry for Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 and check the Bluetooth section for an entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth that has an intel driver associated with it. If neither is the case, skip forward to Step 10.
  7. Right click on the entry for Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 and uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  8. Right click on the entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth and open its properties. If it has an Intel driver associated with it, then uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  9. Go back to Step 5.
  10. Install the downloaded Bluetooth driver package (my rule: always install Bluetooth first).
  11. Install the downloaded Wireless driver package.
  12. Manually shutdown and reboot your computer.
  13. Reenable Internet access. Restore Ethernet cable and/or reenable wireless.
  14. Test.

Note that it sometimes takes multiple uninstall (and reboot) cycles to clean out the old installations, so don't give up on the process. If you get to, say, 10 cycles/reboots, stop there and attempt the installation of the latest drivers.

Hope this helps,



Thanks Scott, Ill try it and let you know the outcome.

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