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Poor Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 performance after upgrade from Windows 7 to 10


I have a HP 255 G5 notepad which I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to 10 as Windows 7 is no longer supported.

My router is unfortunately branded to my ISP but is a Sagemcom Plusnet Hub One.

Everything was working before the upgrade and the upgrade itself went smoothly.

Since the upgrade I am seeing very poor performance when browsing the web and some sites will not load at, e.g. BBC News (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news) will not load at all.

As far as I can tell appears to be affecting HTTPS connections. The browser will often sitting for 2-3 on the initial connection to a site and then when connected to the site browsing is generally much quicker if a little slower than on Windows 7. That is unless the browser had to load inline content such as image where I suspect a new HTTPS connection is being opened.

This only affects browsing using my Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 Wifi card (driver version:

Instead if I use my Ethernet card (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller) there are no problems with web browsers. Unfortunately using my Ethernet on a permanent basis is not a solution given the location of my router, which can’t be moved.

It sounds like their issue with the Wifi driver itself, or some configuration setting involving it or its interaction with Windows.

Things I’ve tried

  1. Various browsers:

Chrome 87.0.4280.141 (64-bit) – my default browser
Microsoft Edge 88.0.705.50 (64-bit)
Firefox 84.0.2 (64-bit)

On Chrome also tried clearing my cache, removing all cookies for bbc.co.uk, restarting Chrome and trying going to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news again - no change in behaviour.

The issue appears to be browser independent.


  1. Changed DNS servers to Google public servers in the Wifi adapter’s IP v4 settings:


C:\Users\X> nslookup
Default Server:  dns.google

> bbc.co.uk
Server:  dns.google

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    bbc.co.uk

Addresses:  2a04:4e42::81

No change


  1. Tried shutting my firewall – Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2 – to see if that was causing the problem. Again no change


  1. Updated BIOS on the laptop from Insyde F.13, 21/07/2016 to Insyde F.37 22/06/2019, again no change in the problem.


  1. One suggestion I found in https://www.theictguy.co.uk/intel-dual-band-wireless-ac-3165-slow/ was to disable the QoS Packet Scheduler in the Wifi adapter, again this had no effect.


  1. Switched off Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power under Power Management in Device Manager.

      7. Tried resintalling the Wifi driver using the standalone Intel Wifi driver 22.20.0 installer (WiFi_22.20.0_Driver64_Win10.exe)

  • Selected uninstall driver from Device Manager and checked the  uninstall driver file options.
  • Used Disk Cleanup to remove any temporaries.
  • Ran standalone driver install
  • Wifi adaptor not listed in device manager
  • On reboot the device re-appeared in Device Manager.


  1. I tried to force a complete fresh install under the driver but moving the following files out of the way:


From C:\Windows\System32 :


From C:\Windows\System32\drivers :


And the reran the standalone installer. This time it failed about 50% through the installation with the following in the installation log:


09/02/2021 19:51:00 : [Debug] isFinished = True
09/02/2021 19:51:00 : [Debug] Output = Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package:  Netwtw04.INF

Driver package added successfully.

Published Name:         oem35.inf

Unable to install driver package: A service installation section in this INF is invalid.

Total driver packages:  1
Added driver packages:  0

09/02/2021 19:51:00 : [Debug] ExitCode = -536870377
09/02/2021 19:51:00 : [Error] Failed to install INF, error code: -536870377
09/02/2021 19:51:01 : [Standard] Finish
09/02/2021 19:51:01 : [Error] Failed to run PnPInstaller, error code: ERROR
09/02/2021 19:51:01 : [Error] Failed to run PnPInstaller

I did find that the installer had installed all the above driver files apart from vwifibus.sys.

I copied back all five driver files from the backup I made previously.

I ran a full scan with the Intel SSU can both BEFORE and AFTER I tried re-installing the driver.


Output from the latest SSU report for Wifi adapter is at the end of this post.

Not sure what else I can do here:

I don’t fancy trying re-installing Windows 7, even if I could find the original install media, or forking out for Windows 8. The thought of having to re-install and then restore my personal data, and then trying to get everything working again fills me with nightmares.

Anyone got any thoughts about how to fix this one?


SSU Output for adapter:


- "Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165"

                    Access Point:"a0:1b:29:67:62:15"


                    Availability:"Running or Full Power"

                    - "Caption":"Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165"




                    CoInstallers:"Not Available"

                    Connection Mode:"Auto Connect"

                    Default IP Gateway:"192.168.X.X"

                    DHCP Enabled:"Yes"

                    DHCP Lease Expires:"02/10/2021 08:32 PM"

                    DHCP Lease Obtained:"02/09/2021 08:32 PM"

                    DHCP Server:"192.168.X.X"


                    Driver Date:"09/15/2020 12:00 AM"

                    Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Netwtw04.sys"

                    Driver Provider:"Intel"

                    Driver Version:""



                    INF Section:"Install_MPCIEX_GENM2_3165_AC_HMC_WINT_64_AC"

                    Install Date:"Not Available"


                    IP Address:"192.168.X.X;fe80::9d01:YYYY:YYYY:b57c"

                    IP Subnet:";64"

                    Last Error Code:"Not Available"

                    Last Error Code Description:"Not Available"

                    Last Reset:"02/09/2021 08:32 PM"

                    Location:"PCI bus 2, device 0, function 0"

                    MAC Address:"68:07:15:F5:D7:AF"

                    Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation"

                    Media Type:

                    Net Connection ID:"Wi-Fi"


                    Network Name:" mywifinetwork"

                    Network Type:"Infrastructure"

                    Number of VLANs:"0"

                    PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3165&SUBSYS_40108086&REV_81\4&195C4740&0&0014"

                    Port:"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available"

                    Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available"

                    Power Management Supported:"No"

                    Product Type:"Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165"


                    Radio Type:"802.11ac"

                    Receive Rate:"325 Mbps"

                    Service Name:"Netwtw04"

                    Signal Strength:"78%"



                    Team Name:"Not in a team"


                    Transmit Rate:"325 Mbps"

                    Type:"Ethernet 802.3"

                    - "Service Bindings"

                         AppEx Networks Accelerator:

                         Client for Microsoft Networks:

                         File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks:

                         Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4):

                         Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6):

                         Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver:

                         Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder:

                         Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver:

                         QoS Packet Scheduler:

                    - "Settings"

                         *DeviceSleepOnDisconnect:Sleep on WoWLAN Disconnect:"Disabled (0)"

                         *PacketCoalescing:Packet Coalescing:"Enabled (1)"

                         *PMARPOffload:ARP offload for WoWLAN:"Enabled (1)"

                         *PMNSOffload:NS offload for WoWLAN:"Enabled (1)"

                         *PMWiFiRekeyOffload:GTK rekeying for WoWLAN:"Enabled (1)"

                         *WakeOnMagicPacket:Wake on Magic Packet:"Enabled (1)"

                         *WakeOnPattern:Wake on Pattern Match:"Enabled (1)"

                         ChannelWidth24:Channel Width for 2.4GHz:"Auto (1)"

                         ChannelWidth52:Channel Width for 5GHz:"Auto (1)"

                         CtsToItself:Mixed Mode Protection:"RTS/CTS Enabled (0)"

                         FatChannelIntolerant:Fat Channel Intolerant:"Disabled (0)"

                         IbssTxPower:Transmit Power:"5. Highest (100)"

                         IEEE11nMode:802.11n/ac Wireless Mode:"802.11ac (2)"

                         MIMOPowerSaveMode:MIMO Power Save Mode:"Auto SMPS (0)"

                         RoamAggressiveness:Roaming Aggressiveness:"3. Medium (2)"

                         RoamingPreferredBandType:Preferred Band:"1. No Preference (0)"

                         ThroughputBoosterEnabled:Throughput Booster:"Disabled (0)"

                         uAPSDSupport:U-APSD support:"Disabled (0)"

                         WirelessMode:802.11a/b/g Wireless Mode:"6. Dual Band 802.11a/b/g (34)"

               - "Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter"

                    Availability:"Running or Full Power"

                    Caption:"Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter"

                    CoInstallers:"Not Available"

                    Default IP Gateway:"Not Available"

                    DHCP Enabled:"No"

                    DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available"

                    DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available"

                    DHCP Server:"Not Available"


                    Driver Date:"03/04/2019 12:00 AM"

                    Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\kltap.sys"

                    Driver Provider:"Kaspersky Security Data Escort Provider"

                    Driver Version:""



                    INF Section:"kltap.ndi"

                    Install Date:"Not Available"


                    IP Address:"Not Available"

                    IP Subnet:"Not Available"

                    Last Error Code:"Not Available"

                    Last Error Code Description:"Not Available"

                    Last Reset:"02/09/2021 08:32 PM"

                    Location:"Not Available"

                    MAC Address:"00:FF:1D:E0:78:B4"

                    Manufacturer:"Kaspersky Security Data Escort Provider"

                    Media Type:

                    Net Connection ID:"Local Area Connection 2"


                    Number of VLANs:"0"

                    PNP Device ID:"ROOT\NET\0000"

                    Port:"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available"

                    Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available"

                    Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available"

                    Power Management Supported:"No"

                    Product Type:"Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter"

                    Service Name:"kltap"


                    Team Name:"Not in a team"


                    Type:"Ethernet 802.3"

                    - "Service Bindings"

                         AppEx Networks Accelerator:

                         Client for Microsoft Networks:

                         File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks:

                         Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4):

                         Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6):

                         Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver:

                         Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder:

                         Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver:

                         QoS Packet Scheduler:

                    - "Settings"

                         AllowNonAdmin:non-admin access:"not allowed (0)"

                         MediaStatus:media status:"application controlled (0)"

                         MTU:mtu:"1500 (1500)"




     Name: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3165&SUBSYS_40108086&REV_81\4&195C4740&0&0014

   Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\Netwtw04.sys, 19.51.0031.0001 (English), 12/9/2020 10:03:28, 8651624 bytes

   Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\Netwfw04.dat, 12/9/2020 10:03:28, 2074564 bytes

   Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\IntelIHVRouter04.dll, 21.12120.0000.0001 (English), 12/9/2020 10:03:28, 1062248 bytes



0 Kudos
1 Solution

I've managed to fix this.

From a command prompt run as an administrator enter the following commands:

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

and then from powershell enter:


Make a note of the name stated for your wireless device, it will probably be Wi-Fi but your mileage may vary.

Then from the powershell enter:

Disable-NetAdapterRsc -Name Wi-Fi

(change Wi-Fi to the name you noted previously if it is not Wi-Fi).

Then reboot.

The settings above are permanent, so you don't need to run them again (unless a future Windows update happens to break things).



View solution in original post

0 Kudos
2 Replies

I've managed to fix this.

From a command prompt run as an administrator enter the following commands:

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

and then from powershell enter:


Make a note of the name stated for your wireless device, it will probably be Wi-Fi but your mileage may vary.

Then from the powershell enter:

Disable-NetAdapterRsc -Name Wi-Fi

(change Wi-Fi to the name you noted previously if it is not Wi-Fi).

Then reboot.

The settings above are permanent, so you don't need to run them again (unless a future Windows update happens to break things).



0 Kudos

Hello sunfire,

We are glad to know you found a solution, thank you for taking the time to share this fix, and hopefully, it may help other community members experiencing similar behavior. Since the thread is now solved, we will proceed to close it.


If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.


Best regards,

Maria R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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