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What is the antenna connector type on the AX200 adapter card?


I have been trying to replace the antenna wires for my built-in antenna so I can connect to an external antenna. I have ax200 adapter and I thought I had the right one when I ordered wires with IPEX MHF4 connectors but they are too small to fit the card.  I have not been able to find out the type of connector I need by looking in the documentation on Intel's website. Does anyone know the connector type needed for the AX200?

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7 Replies
Super User

They are IPEX4 MHF4. For more information, consult this article: Which connector is used to connect the of Intel® wireless card to Wi-Fi antenna.


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Super User

Also see this antenna set's description: https://www.amazon.com/IPEX-Internal-Antenna-M-2-Wireless/dp/B07QDTXGGJ. It specifically says IPEX4 MHF4 and compatibility with the AX200 module.


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That's what I thought when I bought this one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RXDTC7G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I found a close up of the small one compared to the large one in the page you referenced though and it looks like I might need the U.FL one which is apparently 2 mm instead of 1.5. I found one at Data Alliance so I'm giving that a try. Thanks for the reply. I'll come back after I get the next set and let you know if they fit.

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The cable I bought from Data Alliance didn't work either. The one I bought was listed as an MHF4 as suggested in the previous reply to my question. It seems like someone at Intel could look at an ax200 design document which is probably stored in DOORs or some other requirements management tool that would have been used during development and manufacturing and just tell me the name of the connection interface. Looking at the number of MHF* listings on the web page at Data Alliance https://www.data-alliance.net/mhf-series-mhf1-mhf2-mhf3-mhf4/ it shows 4 different types and there are also others called U.Fl. I would really appreciate it if someone would look it up at tell me.

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Hey, i came here for the same reason.

I bought a UFL that ended up being a liilte too large

Did you ever figure it out?

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First of all, **bleep** you Intel, for hiding this information!

Second: Intel AX200 (and AC8265, AC8260, and I guess all using the M.2 form factor) use the MHF4 connector. However there are some more details. As seen in this picture, the connector height (mated) also matters. I measured it to be the 1.4 mm variant. If you want to buy aftermarket antenna cable, you will most likely not find this information, but you will find the outer diameter of the cable instead. Referring again to the same picture, you will need either 0.95 mm ot 1.13 mm diameter cable. Other diameters will most likely be crimped to different height connectors. I suggest using the thicker cable, since it has less attenuation, if it fits into your housing. Also the shortest possible. If you have issues attaching the connectors, search the internet for guide videos. Basically the connector must be aligned perfectly before pushing down on it. Be gentle with connecting/disconnecting, or use special hardware! (Plastic spudgers/prying tools can also do the job.) For your reference I ordered this "MHF4 Plug to RP-SMA female Bulkhead Waterproof 1.13mm Pigtail cable IPX IPEX RF" and it fits for AX200, AC8265 and AC8260, I tested them.

IPEX connector descriptions

IPEX MHF4 definition


TL;DR: for AX200 order MHF4 connectors with 0.95 or 1.13 mm outer diameter cable.


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