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Why doesn't AC 8265 drive the Wi-Fi or BT LED?


On our proprietary GT10 platform we have recently changed from AC 7265 to AC 8265.  And noticed the AC 8265 does not drive the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth LEDs.  Is this expected behaviour?

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10 Replies
Hello LCopp Thank you for contacting our Intel® communities. I understand that you upgraded from Intel® Wireless-AC 7265 to Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 in your GT10* platform. After that, you are experiencing issues with the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth LEDs, right? May we ask, how did you update the drivers on the unit? Does the unit have an operating system? I hope this helps. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hi Diego The GT10 is our own Android product and we write our own software. We are using Linux 4.1 with the latest drivers from the iwlwifi-backport and firmware from linux-firmware repositories. The AC 8265 works fine but the LEDs don’t illuminate thanks Lee Coppins-Brown Hardware Design Team Leader [cid:GrosvenorLogo-Email_d799078f-7af7-4f27-91b2-4645db169958.png]<http://www.grosvenortechnology.com/> Unit S, The Fulcrum Centre, Vantage Way Poole, Dorset, UK, BH12 4NU Phone +44 1202 627 618 Grosvenor Technology will close for Christmas on the 24th December at 15.00 and will re-open on the 2nd January at 9:00. We wish all our suppliers, customers and partners a peaceful and restful festive period. website<http://www.grosvenortechnology.com/> | map <https://www.google.com/maps/place/Endeavour+House,+London+Stansted+Airport,+Stansted+Airport+%28STN%29,+Coopers+End+Rd,+Stansted,+Essex+CM24+1AL,+UK/@51.8796903,0.2489049,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47d88e4f40335f69:0xbcfadf9a88d94754?hl=en> This email may contain confidential and/or private information. If you received this email in error please delete and notify sender. Grosvenor Technology Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company registration no. 2412554. Registered office: 91 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0EF, United Kingdom.
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Hello LCopp Thank you for your response. In this case, Intel (r) has not tested and validated Intel® NUC on your Linux version, we know that other customers have successfully installed it. With this being said, the issue that you are experiencing (no lights) might be related to wireless drivers and is totally expectable , as the only drivers available for your unit work on Windows* as you can check here : https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005602/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html Intel suggests you check your Linux distro's website and forums for peer assistance with this driver issue installation issue. I hope this helps. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hello LCopp, We just wanted to double check if you were able to contact your Linux distro. Please don’t hesitate on contacting us back. I hope to hear from you soon. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hello LCopp, We just wanted to double check if you were able to contact your Linux forum? I hope to hear from you soon. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hi Diego Thanks for your email. No we haven’t made any progress on this. Our software team advise we are using the latest Linux drivers but the AC8265 LEDs don’t function (whereas they were ok on AC7265) Unfortunately we don’t have time to investigate this further, the LEDs are not visible when the AC8265 is in our product so for the time being we will use it without the LEDs operating Lee Coppins-Brown Hardware Design Team Leader [cid:GrosvenorLogo-Email_d799078f-7af7-4f27-91b2-4645db169958.png]<http://www.grosvenortechnology.com/> Unit S, The Fulcrum Centre, Vantage Way Poole, Dorset, UK, BH12 4NU Phone +44 1202 627 618 website<http://www.grosvenortechnology.com/> | map <https://www.google.com/maps/place/Endeavour+House,+London+Stansted+Airport,+Stansted+Airport+%28STN%29,+Coopers+End+Rd,+Stansted,+Essex+CM24+1AL,+UK/@51.8796903,0.2489049,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47d88e4f40335f69:0xbcfadf9a88d94754?hl=en> This email may contain confidential and/or private information. If you received this email in error please delete and notify sender. Grosvenor Technology Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company registration no. 2412554. Registered office: 91 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0EF, United Kingdom.
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Hello LCopp, Thank you your response. In this case, let me ask : Can you install the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 in another system (with a supported OS)? Most likely the culprit of the issue is coming from the missing drivers, so by installing the unit in another OS we can isolate the issue. I hope to hear from you soon. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hello LCopp, We just wanted to double check if you were able to install another OS? Please don’t hesitate on contacting us back. I hope to hear from you soon. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hello LCopp, We just wanted to double check again if you were able to install another OS? I hope to hear from you soon. Diego S. Intel (R) Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel (R) Corporation
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Hello LCopp, I was checking your case and I would like to know if you still need help? Please do not hesitate in replying to this email. You can also contact us through our phone support line 916-377-7000 Monday thru Friday 8 – 5 PST or you can provide us a call back number and the best time within our support hours so we can contact you and provide you with the assistance needed by phone. We are currently closing your case as we have not heard anything back from you, however it will remain active. Best regards, Diego S. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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