oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
Support for Getting Started questions related to download, Installation and licensing for Intel oneAPI Toolkits and software development tools.
1524 Discussions

Continued licensing of old IPP versions


Our products use IPP v8.2.1.133 as well as  IPP samples v7.0.2 and v8.0.0. In the past when IPP were not free we purchased a number of Composer Studio XE licenses from our local Intel distributor to cover for them (even though we never used the Composer Studio as such and do not need it).

1) If we would like to add an extra developer to our team do we still need to buy another license for v8 or have all IPP versions been made charge-free retrospectively?

2) If we decide to migrate our product to use the latest IPP '21 version do we need to worry about licensing fees anymore?

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1 Reply

Hello and thank you for your questions!  As you have noted there are now free forum (this is a forum) supported offerings as well as those that include what we refer to as Intel Priority Support IE Commercial support.  The Intel Priority supported versions include access to our private support portal (this site is not private/confidential) for support, assistance in use, and access to older versions.  If you wish to add another developer to your Intel Priority Supported portfolio of products you would want to add a seat of the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit. If the current shipping versions is fine, and you don't need commercial support then there is a no cost offering for that as well.  

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