oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
Support for Getting Started questions related to download, Installation and licensing for Intel oneAPI Toolkits and software development tools.

IPP 5.1 Legacy Downloads


We are using IPP in 32 and 64 bit versions.


We have a purchased license for this software.


We asked you (Intel) for access to the installers.


Unfortunately you do not have the 5.1 installers and instead you provided 5.3 as a substitute.


However the license key we purchased for 5.1 does not work with 5.3.


How do we resolve this?


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1 Reply

Hi Josquin,

Thanks for posting your concern on the forum. Kindly note that the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives 5.1 is a really old and unsupported product version. Due to this it has undergone deprecation and has been removed from our download repository. You may visit the below link for more information on old and unsupported product versions.



We try to find and provide the required product version or the closest product version if they are available to us in the archives. However, kindly note, resources on such older versions are none or close to none. Due to the versions being unsupported and really old, the archives also get deleted over time. Please know the version 5.3 was the closest version available with us.

Proceeding further, we are closing this thread as the query has been addressed and there is close to no information or solution available on this. However, if you need any other assistance, please feel free to post a new question. We would be glad to assist you.

Hope you have a nice day ahead!



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