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Re: OneAPI 2023 installation fails



With the release of 2023 I had hoped that the OneAPi basekit  installment  with the VS 2022 IDE option was solved. But unfortunately, the same problems as before.

I have no solution to that, but maybe a hint.

I setup an offline installation (downloaded everything first)

After the result of the install failure, like Jasper. I looked at the Windows (11) event log:

eventlog app: Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800401F0

Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: oneAPI Common Environment Scripts. Product Version: 23.0.25468. Product Language: 1033.

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation. Reconfiguration success or error status: 0.

So looking at the tcp/ip tracing at the same time :

Installer starts some TCP/IP communication with Intel server:

Then it fails.

Hints: even with reinstalling VS's (+ clearing register as suggested) it goes wrong. So maybe there are other "deep" register settings spoiling the installation during the short Intel server interaction (even during installing local). Certificates, licensing, blocking acknowledge????

Regards, Ted

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4 Replies

Hi Ted,


Thanks for posting regarding your concern on the prior forum thread. Please note, this a new forum post that has been generated (from your comment) by our internal team so that we could assist you regarding your concern.

We appreciate your sharing the details and your findings regarding the issue. Could you please share the below details? They will allow us to confirm and understand the situation better.

  • A screenshot of the issue from the GUI installer.
  • The log files.
  • What are the versions & builds of Visual Studio recently uninstalled & currently installed (if any)?
  • What are the Intel® product toolkits & suites recently uninstalled & currently installed (if any)?
  • Did you uninstall the Intel® products & Visual Studio using their own installers?
  • Have you tried using the InstallCleanup.exe to make sure the Visual Studio instances are properly uninstalled? If not, you may refer to the below link for more information regarding it.
  • By referring to 'clearing register' did you mean through registry editor or un-registering & re-registering of the dll file that we suggest?


Looking forward to your update. 




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Hi Ted,

Please let us know the requested details​. They will allow us to look into the issue further.



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Hallo Soumya,

Thanks for your response,

I give up (trying to install the VS2022 IDE interface) and I use the software separately.

I spent a lot of time of cleaning registers/ reinstalling VS2022 (and the extra’s). I followed nearly all the suggestions found on the forum.

Also change and experimented the VS's setup dll's (as mentioned in several responses): Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll

I did that last year and also this year.

On a complete clean machine it works to install everything ok. But on a machine running oneAPI in the past it fails. See my suggestions (may be out of date certificates; I don’t know,  Intel should know). 

I include some information on your request, but they are the same as everyone else with the same problem.


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Hi Ted,

Thanks for getting back to us on the thread. We respect your decision of using the software separately. However, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. As the installation worked and everything is okay on the clean machine, we are closing this thread. However, we appreciate you sharing the logs & suggestions. We will share them with our higher team for future development & resolution of such issues.

This thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®. However, feel free to create a new thread if there are any other queries or concerns. We are here to assist you.

Hope you have a nice day ahead.



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