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1553 Discussions

oneAPI base kit 2022.1.3.210 fails to integrate with VS2022.17.1.1


I have installed Visual Studio 2022 professional version 17.1.1

When I install w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline it detects VS2022 and I select the option to integrate with it.

The installation proceeds but says there are errors at the end.  The log file seems to indicate integration with VS2022 has failed.

When I start Visual Studio and check help about it has not found the oneAPI fortran and existing projects are 'incompatible'.

Looking at other forum posts seems to indicate these versions of oneAPI and VS2022 should be compatible.

I have attached the oneAPI install log.

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11 Replies

Hi Adam, do you have any older versions of Intel® oneAPI Base/ HPC Toolkit installed on your system? Also, please note that you need to manually select the Desktop Development with C++ workload during the installation of Microsoft Visual Studio for proper integration of the IDE with the compilers.

For guidance on how to do that, visit:

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Thank you for your response.

I installed VS2022 from a layout (for offline installation) created using:

vs_professional.exe --layout c:\localVSlayout --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop --includeRecommended --lang en-US

The installation was performed using:

c:\localVSlayout\vs_ professional.exe --noweb --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop

I think because of the workload specified the Desktop Development with C++ was already selected (although I did un-select and re-select on one of the attempts)

I do not have any other versions of oneapi installed but I do have:

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 4 Composer Edition for Fortran Windows* Integrated with VS2013.

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An Update: I have tried the process with VS2019.

I uninstalled oneapi then installed VS2019 from a layout in the same way I did for VS2022.  VS2019 appeared to install fine.  The oneapi base kit recognised the VS2019 install and the oneapi (w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline) install appeared to run but flagged an error at the end.  It did not integrate with VS2019.


I think the relevant error from the install log is:


03/18/2022 08:55:07:367 : 23024 : WARNING : Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.


Could the fact I have VS2013 and IntelFortran2019 be an issue?



0 Kudos

Dear Intel support.


I seem to have misunderstood how to use this forum because several updates I have made have not appeared.  I will try again now.

I have followed the the advice given in the link you provided.  I have tried integrating VS2019 and VS2022.17.1.1 with w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline.  Bothe behave in the same way.

The relevant line in the log file seems to be:


Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.


I have checked VSIXInstaller.exe exists and it appears to have been update on the pc coinciding with installing Visual Studio.


Unfortunately I have another problem that appeared.  Now when I try to use VS2013 with IntelFortran2019 is get an 'Interface not registered' error.  I have been using IntelFortrn2019 integrated with VS2013 for >18 months without problem and the fact that the problem occurred right after attempting to install VS2022 with Oneapi makes me think it could have caused the problem.

This problem has broken my current workflow and so solving it has become high priority.  I would really appreciate any help you can provide.



0 Kudos

Hi Support

I have the exact same problem
I have visual studio 2022 , version 17.1.1 installed, and can install oneAPI Base kit 2022.1.3.210 as long as I skip integration
I have tried to uninstall everything regarding oneAPI, reinstall VS2022, then install oneAPI Base kit 2022.1.3.210, which still fails unless I skip integration with vs2022

when I try to integrate (repair and then check integrate with vs2022), it quicly stops at gdb integration

Do you have any idea what is going on? (I suspect permission issues)

Best regard

0 Kudos

An Update: I have tried the process with VS2019.

I uninstalled oneapi then installed VS2019 from a layout in the same way I did for VS2022.  VS2019 appeared to install fine.  The oneapi base kit recognised the VS2019 install and the oneapi (w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline) install appeared to run but flagged an error at the end.  It did not integrate with VS2019.


I think the relevant error from the install log is:


03/18/2022 08:55:07:367 : 23024 : WARNING : Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.


Could the fact I have VS2013 and IntelFortran2019 be an issue?


Further update:

After attempting these installations my existing work system VS2013 and IntelFortran2019 appears to have been broken.

I can compile C++ components but when I try to compile Fortran I get the message: 'Interface not registered'

I have never seen this error before.  Could it be caused by the attempts to install OneAPI?

0 Kudos

Dear Intel support.

I seem to have misunderstood how to use this forum because several updates I have made have not appeared. I will try again now:

I have followed the the advice given in the link you provided. I have tried integrating VS2019 and VS2022.17.1.1 with w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline. Bothe behave in the same way.
The relevant line in the log file seems to be:
Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.
I have checked VSIXInstaller.exe exists and it appears to have been update on the pc coinciding with installing Visual Studio.

Unfortunately I have another problem that appeared. Now when I try to use VS2013 with IntelFortran2019 is get an 'Interface not registered' error. I have been using IntelFortrn2019 integrated with VS2013 for >18 months without problem and the fact that the problem occurred right after attempting to install VS2022 with Oneapi makes me think it could have caused the problem.
This problem has broken my current workflow and so solving it has become high priority. I would really appreciate any help you can provide.

0 Kudos

Dear Intel support.

I seem to have misunderstood how to use this forum because several updates I have made have not appeared. I will try again now.
I have followed the the advice given in the link you provided. I have tried integrating VS2019 and VS2022.17.1.1 with w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline. Bothe behave in the same way.
The relevant line in the log file seems to be:
Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.
I have checked VSIXInstaller.exe exists and it appears to have been update on the pc coinciding with installing Visual Studio.

Unfortunately I have another problem that appeared. Now when I try to use VS2013 with IntelFortran2019 is get an 'Interface not registered' error. I have been using IntelFortrn2019 integrated with VS2013 for >18 months without problem and the fact that the problem occurred right after attempting to install VS2022 with Oneapi makes me think it could have caused the problem.
This problem has broken my current workflow and so solving it has become high priority. I would really appreciate any help you can provide.


0 Kudos

Adam, generally speaking the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 integration with Intel® oneAPI Toolkit 2022.1.3 should not have affected the VS 2013 integration with Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019. If your earlier installation is also malfunctioning, follow the below steps in the order given below :

1> Uninstall Microsoft VS 2022 first followed by your earlier Microsoft VS 2013

2> Uninstall Intel® oneAPI Toolkit 2022.1.3

3> Uninstall Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019

4> Install VS 2013 first followed by Microsoft VS 2022. Make sure you select the Desktop Development with C++ component in both the cases

5> Once the installation is done, proceed to install Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019

Post the installation, make sure you initialize the tools. For the VS2013-Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 setup, open command prompt and cd to:

  • <install_dir>\IntelSWTools\parallel_studio_xe_2019.<update number>.<package number>\bin

By default, <install_dir> is C:\Program Files (x86), or C:\Program Files

  • Run psxevars.bat <arch>

where <arch> is one of the following architecture arguments:

intel64: Setup for Intel® 64 host and target

ia32: Setup for Intel® 64 host and IA-32 target

6> Now, proceed with the installation of Intel® oneAPI Toolkit 2022.1.3. For guidance on how to configure your system for the VS2022-Intel® oneAPI 2022.1.3 setup, visit:

0 Kudos

Dear Intel support

Uninstalling the packages in order, restarting after each uninstall has sorted out the problem of the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 not functioning.

(before your response I had tried uninstall and re-install of VS2013 & Intel2019 but the intel uninstaller failed to do anything)

With the 'clean' system I first tried VS2022.17.2.0_preview2 and Intel® oneAPI Toolkit 2022.1.3 but unfortunately still encountered the VSIXInstaller.exe error so removed them both before going back to VS2013-Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019.

My original setup now seems to be working so thank you for the advice.  However, until we can find out what is going wrong I have had to advise my team not to attempt to install oneAPI.

Thank you again for your support.

0 Kudos

Adam, we thank you for confirming the status. We are glad that one part of your issue was resolved.

If you have any further queries, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®.

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