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oneAPI base kit 2022.1.3.210 fails to integrate with VS2022.17.1.1


This is the same title as my previous question.

For some reason I have been unable to make reply posts to this question so I am trying using another thread.

The post I was trying to put in was:

Dear Intel support.

I seem to have misunderstood how to use this forum because several updates I have made have not appeared. I will try again now.
I have followed the the advice given in the link you provided. I have tried integrating VS2019 and VS2022.17.1.1 with w_BaseKit_p_2022.1.3.210_offline. Bothe behave in the same way.
The relevant line in the log file seems to be:
Product configuration is not finished successfully. Integration in IDE(s) might be in incomplete state or custom post-install/remove scripts might fail.
Details: Attempt 1 of 2 failed. Execution of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe failed with exit code -2146233088, output:
One or more errors occurred.
I have checked VSIXInstaller.exe exists and it appears to have been update on the pc coinciding with installing Visual Studio.

Unfortunately I have another problem that appeared. Now when I try to use VS2013 with IntelFortran2019 is get an 'Interface not registered' error. I have been using IntelFortrn2019 integrated with VS2013 for >18 months without problem and the fact that the problem occurred right after attempting to install VS2022 with Oneapi makes me think it could have caused the problem.
This problem has broken my current workflow and so solving it has become high priority. I would really appreciate any help you can provide.

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