program laplace implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (mp=12) ! mp (number of processors) must be the same ! as in execution >mpiexec -np 12 laplace parameter (mn=201,mnode=mn*mn,mt=4) c mn = number of nodes in i and j directions (odd #) c mnode = total number of nodes c mt = number of different tasks common /t/t(mn,mn),told(mn,mn),nbc(mn,mn) dimension nod14m(mn,mn),nim(mnode),njm(mnode) c nod14m(mn,mn) = global node numbering c nim(mnode) = i direction location for each node c njm(mnode) = j direction location for each node dimension ntaskt(mt),ntaskp(mt),ntaskn(mt) c 'ntaskt(i)' = total number of nodes for task i c 'ntaskp(i)' = number of node calculations for task i in each processor c 'ntaskn(i)' = number of proc's (task i) that calculate 'ntaskp(i)' nodes* c *remaining processors calculate 'ntaskp(i)-1' nodes parameter (mtp=(mn-1)/2+1) parameter (mtpm=mtp*mtp) dimension nod14t(mtpm,mt) c nod14t(mtpm,mt) = nodes on each task c mtp = maximum number of nodes in i/j directions in tasks c mtpm = maximum number of node calculations for any task dimension ntasks(mp,mt),ntaske(mp,mt) c ntasks(np,nt) = start counter* on processor np, in task nt c ntaske(np,nt) = end counter* on processor np, in task nt c *counter is n entry in nod14t(n,nt) for task nt real e,etime,et(2) c MPI include 'mpif.h' integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) call mpi_init(ierr) call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,my_rank,ierr) call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nsize,ierr) open(unit=1,file='t.dat',form='formatted',SHARED) if (my_rank.eq.0) then c Global node numbering nod=0 do 2 j=1,mn do 2 i=1,mn nod=nod+1 nod14m(i,j)=nod nim(nod)=i njm(nod)=j 2 continue c Tasks c The four tasks are based on the checkerboard c methodology. Any CFD node will eventually be c dependent (actual software developed for my work) c on all eight surrounding nodes (in 2D) so here c instead of 2 tasks there are 4. In 3D there are more. npi=mn npj=mn nei=(mn-1)/2 nej=(mn-1)/2 do 3 nt=1,mt do 3 ntpm=1,mtpm nod14t(ntpm,nt)=0 3 continue nt=1 ! task 1 n=0 do 4 j=1,npj,2 do 4 i=1,npi,2 n=n+1 nod14t(n,nt)=nod14m(i,j) 4 continue ntaskt(nt)=n nt=2 ! task 2 n=0 do 5 j=1,npj,2 do 5 i=2,npi-1,2 n=n+1 nod14t(n,nt)=nod14m(i,j) 5 continue ntaskt(nt)=n nt=3 ! task 3 n=0 do 6 j=2,npj-1,2 do 6 i=1,npi,2 n=n+1 nod14t(n,nt)=nod14m(i,j) 6 continue ntaskt(nt)=n nt=4 ! task 4 n=0 do 7 j=2,npj-1,2 do 7 i=2,npi-1,2 n=n+1 nod14t(n,nt)=nod14m(i,j) 7 continue ntaskt(nt)=n do 8 nt=1,mt ntp=ntaskt(nt)/mp if (ntp*mp.eq.ntaskt(nt)) then ntaskp(nt)=ntp ntaskn(nt)=mp else ntaskp(nt)=ntp+1 ntaskn(nt)=ntaskt(nt)-ntp*mp endif 8 continue do 11 nt=1,mt ncs=1 ntn=ntaskn(nt) ntp=ntaskp(nt) do 9 np=1,ntn ntasks(np,nt)=ncs nce=ncs+ntp-1 ntaske(np,nt)=nce ncs=nce+1 9 continue if ( go to 11 ntp=ntp-1 do 10 np=ntn+1,mp ntasks(np,nt)=ncs nce=ncs+ntp-1 ntaske(np,nt)=nce ncs=nce+1 10 continue 11 continue do 12 nt=1,mt if (ntaske(mp,nt).ne.ntaskt(nt)) then write(*,*) '# of nodes calculated in processors' write(*,*) 'do not correspond in task ',nt stop endif 12 continue c Initialize error=dlog10(1.0d-06) nc=1 dx=1.0d0/dble(mn-1) do 15 i=1,mn do 15 j=1,mn t(i,j)=0.0d0 nbc(i,j)=0 15 continue c Boundary Conditions ny=mn/10 do 20 j=2,ny t(1,j)=dble(j-1)/dble(ny) nbc(1,j)=1 20 continue do 30 j=ny+1,mn t(1,j)=1.0d0 nbc(1,j)=1 30 continue do 40 i=2,mn t(i,mn)=1.0d0 nbc(i,mn)=1 40 continue do 41 i=1,mn nbc(i,1)=1 41 continue do 42 j=2,mn-1 nbc(mn,j)=2 42 continue c to(i,j) do 45 i=1,mn do 45 j=1,mn told(i,j)=t(i,j) 45 continue e=etime(et) endif c Broadcast user input call MPI_Bcast(ntasks,mp*mt,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(ntaske,mp*mt,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(nod14t,mtpm*mt,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(nim,mnode,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(njm,mnode,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(nbc,mnode,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) call MPI_Bcast(error,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) c Laplace calculation - tasks divided on all processors 1 call MPI_Bcast(t,mnode,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) do 70 nt=1,mt if (my_rank.eq.0) then np=mp else np=my_rank endif nts=ntasks(np,nt) nte=ntaske(np,nt) do 55 m=nts,nte nod14=nod14t(m,nt) i=nim(nod14) j=njm(nod14) nbcv=nbc(i,j) if (nbcv.eq.0) then te=t(i+1,j) tw=t(i-1,j) tn=t(i,j+1) ts=t(i,j-1) t(i,j)=0.25d0*(te+tw+tn+ts) go to 50 endif if (nbcv.eq.2) then t(i,j)=t(i-1,j) endif 50 if (my_rank.eq.0) go to 55 call mpi_send(t(i,j),1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,1, ! send to master * MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) 55 continue IF (my_rank.eq.0) THEN do 60 nproc=1,nsize-1 nts=ntasks(nproc,nt) nte=ntaske(nproc,nt) do 60 m=nts,nte nod14=nod14t(m,nt) i=nim(nod14) j=njm(nod14) call mpi_recv(t(i,j),1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,nproc,1, ! master receive * MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr) 60 continue endif call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) 70 continue if (my_rank.eq.0) then res=0.0d0 do 92 i=2,mn do 92 j=2,mn-1 tnewv=t(i,j) toldv=told(i,j) res=res+dabs(tnewv-toldv) told(i,j)=t(i,j) 92 continue if(res.eq.0.0d0) res=1.0d-99 res=dlog10(res) write(*,94) nc,res 94 format(2x,i7,2x,f8.3) nc=nc+1 if (res.le.error) then e=etime(et) c Output write(*,*) e,et(1),et(2) WRITE(1,*) mn,mn Y=-DX DO 110 J=1,MN Y=Y+DX X=-DX DO 110 I=1,MN X=X+DX WRITE(1,102) X,Y,T(I,J) 110 CONTINUE 102 FORMAT(3(2X,D15.8)) endif endif c continue to next iteration... call MPI_Bcast(res,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) if ( go to 1 c ... else ... done. call mpi_finalize(ierr) end program laplace