Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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Intel oneAPI 2024.x.x Advisor 2024.x Environment Modules Modulefiles (on Linux Systems)



This regards Linux systems. 

It appears that the environment modules modulefiles for Intel Advisor in Intel oneAPI 2024.x.x incorrectly set PATH and ADVISOR_2024_DIR environment variables.  The issue is that there is a "/etc/modulefiles" string after the Advisor root directory.

  • Example:  Intel oneAPI 2024.2.0 and 2024.2.1
    • In the case of PATH, the Advisor binary path (put in PATH) becomes something like $oneapi_installdir/advisor/2024.2/etc/modulefiles/bin64 instead of $oneapi_installdir/advisor/2024.2/bin64.
    • And ADVISOR_2024_DIR points to $oneapi_installdir/advisor/2024.2/etc/modulefiles instead of $oneapi_install/advisor/2024.2.  This is not an issue with Intel oneAPI 2023.1.0 or 2022.0.2 (don't know about other 2023.x and 2022.x releases).
  • Example:  Intel oneAPI 2024.0.1
    • Quite incorrectly, the modulefile for Advisor in Intel oneAPI 2024.0.1 adds "/" to PATH and sets ADVISOR_2024_DIR to "/".

In case it matters, Intel oneAPI was installed with the BaseKit and HPCKit offline scripts for Linux.

I have fixed the problem in local copies of Intel oneAPI 2024.x.x Advisor modulefiles.  I am posting here hoping fixes appear in the next Intel oneAPI release.

Please advise.


Thanks.  --Bracy


Bracy H. Elton, Ph.D.

Penguin Solutions

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1 Reply

Thanks for reporting the issue; the issue has been escalated to the engineering team and will be fixed in a future release.


Here is a workaround:


The target file is something like /opt/intel/oneapi/advisor/latest/etc/modulefiles/advisor/2024XX

set write permissions on the target file and edit the file



set PRODUCT_INSTALL_DIR "[file dirname [file dirname $script_path]]"



set PRODUCT_INSTALL_DIR "[file dirname [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname $script_path]]]]"


Open a new shell and load the module again

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