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I use a new computer locate in the same LAN with master node

New Contributor I

and follow the step in docker_setup/deploy/readme.md .

finally i get the logs  at new node computer  it include ia_video_analytics , ia_video_ingestion,ia_visualizer,ia_etcd logs 


should i  copy the EIS file to new computer in order run PCB demo on new computer

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7 Replies
New Contributor I


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In your ETCD log, I see this "found invalid file/dir data under data dir /EIS/etcd/data/" and wonder if it causes your problem. If you don't have the configuration file for ETCD to read in, then ETCD can't provide the settings for EIS containers when they request so.

Help me to understand what you are trying to do. If I understand it correctly, you have EIS set up on a master/primary node. Now, you want to enable the video sample to run on a second node, and you don't want to rebuilt it on this second node. Instead, you want to use either a private registry or saved Docker images to deploy the EIS containers on the second node.  This second node may or may not be on the same network with the primary node all the time.. Am I correct?

Let me see if I can find a way for you.

New Contributor I
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New Contributor I

but why after install EIS the pcb demo is running   but  /opt/intel/eis/data/etcd/data  also empty 

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You are right. It was a guess as I didn't have access to the EIS environment last night. Let me try several things and get back to you.

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Okay, here is a way that requires minimal network access. Be advised that this is for demo purpose only, to replicate a setup on a device that doesn't always have a stable connection to the primary/master node. For real EIS development/production environments, all EIS nodes should be chained onto an ETCD cluster, so configurations can be synchronized.

With the disclaimer said, here is what you need to do:

1. Setup of ETCD:

Like what I previously said in the other thread, ETCD is a critical configuration data store that feeds important configuration information to various EIS containers, we will need it to be running. Since your environment doesn't always guarantee nodes' connection to the primary node, let's just set it as a primary node to minimize the complexity. This is the only step that absolutely requires network access to download and build the ia_etcd container. Here are the steps:

On the primary node: 

Copy IEdgeInsights/docker_setup/.envIEdgeInsights/docker_setup/docker-compose.yml, and the whole IEdgeInsights/docker_setup/provision/ directory to a bundle directory on the target node

On the target node:

bundle/provision$ sudo -E ./provision_eis.sh ../docker-compose.yml

Transfer the EIS container images (I use the video example) to the target node, the following uses docker save/load, if you use a private registry server, it's a lot easier:

On the primary node: 

 docker save ia_video_ingestion -o ia_video_ingestion.img

 docker save ia_video_analytics -o ia_video_analytics.img

 docker save ia_visualizer -o ia_visualizer.img

On the target node:

 docker load ia_video_ingestion -i ia_video_ingestion.img

 docker load ia_video_analytics -i ia_video_analytics.img

 docker load ia_visualizer -i ia_visualizer.img

And finally, you need to generate a docker-compose file that works for this setup and use it to start the services.

On the primary node: 

IEdgeInsights/docker_setup/deploy$ sudo python3.6 generate_eis_bundle.py

If your .env file doesn't have DOCKER_REGISTRY set (you use docker save/load), you will get the following prompt. Just set it to "DOCKER_REGISTRY=localhost:5000/"

Copy the generated eis_bundle.tar.gz file to the target node.

On the target node:

Untar eis_bundle.tar.gz. If you don't use a registry server, change its setting in .env back to "DOCKER_REGISTRY="

Run "docker-compose up -d" with this newly generated docker-compose.yml file (note it's different from the docker-compose file on the primary node.


I tested this on a node that only has docker and compose set up, so it should work for you too. Please let us know how it goes. Thank you.

New Contributor I

i want't change the pipline to camera   in new computer  ,the display failed , the pcb demo correct . the camera show  couldn't connect to display :0  ,the echo $DISPLAY return :0.

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