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TLS2.0 Tools job created , but seems no training executed


Dear Team,

I have successfully had TLS installed, and I use the UI default values to create a simple 

object training task with some whole image photos.  Somehow when I click the play button for

training execution. Nothing has happened with no error message whatsoever. I play the project

page back and forth without luck.  Did I miss anything? Please help!  

Thanks a lot.

Joey Lin


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1 Solution


Thanks for providing the log file and it help us understand the issue you are facing now. From the log file i can see there are 2 issues, where the first is the tls_apiui docker container is restarting and second issue is the RDB write error. Pls see below for the steps you can follow:

1) tls_apiui not able to start

- Open a terminal, go to training-learning-suite-2.0/webservices/components/cvat directory, run these 2 commands below:

     sudo docker-compose down

     sudo -E docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ../../../docker-compose.cvat.override.yml up -d

- From the terminal, go to training-learning-suite-2.0/  directory, run command below:

     sudo docker-compose down

     sudo -E docker-compose up -d

- Then now use command sudo docker ps to view all running docker containers, the tls_apiui should be running without restarting.


2) RDB write error - related to the very recent changes on the external Redis image from docker hub, below are the steps to rebuilt the Redis container.

- In the TLS2.0 directory, update the tlsredis.Dockerfile as below:
          Change FROM redis:6-alpine to FROM redis:6.0-alpine

- Go to thirdparty/security directory, run ls -l command to list all the files. You will see these 6  files below having userID and groupID as tls:tls by default.
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1419 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 1675 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1590 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 2455 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 2228 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 4803 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_key.pem

- Prior to rebuild the redis container, pls use commands below to change the userID and groupID to your own default ones. You can see your own default userID and groupID from the other files in the same directory.

sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_cert.crt 
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_key.pem  
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_cert.crt
​​​​​​​sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_key.pem 
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_cert.crt 
​​​​​​​sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_key.pem

- Go back to TLS2.0 directory, which having the tlsredis.Dockerfile to rebuild the redis container using command below. It will pull the new redis image from docker hub and rebuild the tls_redis container image.

sudo docker-compose build --no-cache tls_redis

- After build successfully , go back to thirdparty/security directory and revert back the 6 files to the default userID and groupID as tls:tls using the same command earlier as below.

sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_cert.crt 
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_key.pem  
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_cert.crt
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_key.pem 
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_cert.crt 
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_key.pem

- Now, you can go back to the TLS2.0 main directory (having all the docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile), to stop and restart the containers using below command.

sudo docker-compose down
sudo -E docker-compose up -d

- Finally, you can use command sudo docker ps to check all containers are up and running. Then, you can proceed to login again into TLS2.0 web UI to start training again.


Hope these steps help.


View solution in original post

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5 Replies

Dear experts,

I have checked docker -ps and am sure all the containers are running.  

Two questions here, 

1. My installation success does not look exactly the same as the User Guide Section 3.2 Figure 14 as attachments. Is this why the training job is not executing?

2. Does it matter to set up the proxy since I am only running in local host machine?

Thanks, and have a good day



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From the screenshot provided, it show all necessary containers are up and running. In order to verify further, you may check and provide the training job log info in the tls_core container using command below.

sudo docker logs -f tls_core

Once issue the command above in the terminal, then you may click the play button again to start the training, then observe what is the log info in the terminal. It will be great you can provide the log info to further understand if there is any error from the training.

0 Kudos

Hi, WengWai

There is no UI after exexcuting "sudo docker logs -f tls_core",

The Web UI shown Bad Gateway as the attached snapshot and error has been log.

Best regards,




0 Kudos


Thanks for providing the log file and it help us understand the issue you are facing now. From the log file i can see there are 2 issues, where the first is the tls_apiui docker container is restarting and second issue is the RDB write error. Pls see below for the steps you can follow:

1) tls_apiui not able to start

- Open a terminal, go to training-learning-suite-2.0/webservices/components/cvat directory, run these 2 commands below:

     sudo docker-compose down

     sudo -E docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ../../../docker-compose.cvat.override.yml up -d

- From the terminal, go to training-learning-suite-2.0/  directory, run command below:

     sudo docker-compose down

     sudo -E docker-compose up -d

- Then now use command sudo docker ps to view all running docker containers, the tls_apiui should be running without restarting.


2) RDB write error - related to the very recent changes on the external Redis image from docker hub, below are the steps to rebuilt the Redis container.

- In the TLS2.0 directory, update the tlsredis.Dockerfile as below:
          Change FROM redis:6-alpine to FROM redis:6.0-alpine

- Go to thirdparty/security directory, run ls -l command to list all the files. You will see these 6  files below having userID and groupID as tls:tls by default.
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1419 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 1675 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1590 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 2455 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 2228 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 4803 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_key.pem

- Prior to rebuild the redis container, pls use commands below to change the userID and groupID to your own default ones. You can see your own default userID and groupID from the other files in the same directory.

sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_cert.crt 
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_key.pem  
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_cert.crt
​​​​​​​sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_key.pem 
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_cert.crt 
​​​​​​​sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_key.pem

- Go back to TLS2.0 directory, which having the tlsredis.Dockerfile to rebuild the redis container using command below. It will pull the new redis image from docker hub and rebuild the tls_redis container image.

sudo docker-compose build --no-cache tls_redis

- After build successfully , go back to thirdparty/security directory and revert back the 6 files to the default userID and groupID as tls:tls using the same command earlier as below.

sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_cert.crt 
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_key.pem  
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_cert.crt
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_key.pem 
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_cert.crt 
​​​​​​​sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_key.pem

- Now, you can go back to the TLS2.0 main directory (having all the docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile), to stop and restart the containers using below command.

sudo docker-compose down
sudo -E docker-compose up -d

- Finally, you can use command sudo docker ps to check all containers are up and running. Then, you can proceed to login again into TLS2.0 web UI to start training again.


Hope these steps help.


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