Embedded Connectivity
Intel network controllers, Firmware, and drivers support systems
856 Discussions

EEPROMARMTOOL only can flash I210 for one time, than it always faild .


first time I use eepromarmtool to flash, it is OK.

./EepromAccessTool -nic=1 -f=Dev_Start_I210_Copper_NOMNG_4Mb_A2_3.25_0.03.bin   Intel(R) EEPROM Access Tool NVM/OTP Programming Example Tool Version 0.7.9 Provided under the terms of a CNDA. Do Not Distribute. Copyright(C) 2017-2019 by Intel(R) Corporation size is 40000 Detected FlashId: bf25 Using SST method Erasing Full NVM... Test writing worked. Erasing sector to cleanup test write... Writing... It's a BIN input Checksum already written.

And when system poweron again, the I210 driver is added.

But I want to flash another image, it failed all the time.

./EepromAccessTool -nic=1 -f=Dev_Start_I210_Copper_NOMNG_4Mb_A2_3.25_0.03.bin   Intel(R) EEPROM Access Tool NVM/OTP Programming Example Tool Version 0.7.9 Provided under the terms of a CNDA. Do Not Distribute. Copyright(C) 2017-2019 by Intel(R) Corporation size is 40000 Enable Serial Flash Bit Interface timed out. Detected FlashId: ffff Using generic method Enable Serial Flash Bit Interface timed out. Erasing Full NVM... Enable Serial Flash Bit Interface timed out.


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9 Replies

Hello, @bweip​:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.


Please verify that the affected design has implemented the suggestions that may answer the question 2.23, on page 9 of the Intel® Ethernet Controller i210 / i211 Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] document # 335346. It can be found on the following website:

This document can be found at the following website:




Best regards,


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@Mæcenas_INTEL (Intel)​.

Hi ,

Thank you for reply.

I read 2.23 of FAQ and I pull down the pin 12 when system reboot. And I flash again, the log is as follow:

root@ubuntu:/home/maxsense/eepromaccesstool-0-7-9# ./EepromAccessTool -nic=1 -f=Dev_Start_I210_Sgmii_NOMNG_8Mb_A2_3.25_0.03.bin   Intel(R) EEPROM Access Tool NVM/OTP Programming Example Tool Version 0.7.9 Provided under the terms of a CNDA. Do Not Distribute. Copyright(C) 2017-2019 by Intel(R) Corporation Programming successful!

I don't know if the flash is ok, so I used this command:

root@ubuntu:/home/maxsense/eepromaccesstool-0-7-9# ./EepromAccessTool -dump -nic=1   Intel(R) EEPROM Access Tool NVM/OTP Programming Example Tool Version 0.7.9 Provided under the terms of a CNDA. Do Not Distribute. Copyright(C) 2017-2019 by Intel(R) Corporation Device is BLANK!

So I don't think that pulling down the pin 12 is the way to flash again, what can I do to flash again? Because I flash the Dev_Start_I210_Copper_NCSI_4Mb_A2_3.25_0.03.bin file for first time, now I find the another image is work for me.

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Hello, @bweip​:


Thanks for your reply.


In order to have more details that can help us to understand this situation, we want to address the following questions:


Could you please clarify if the affected device has been developed by you or it is a third-party one? Please give all the information (such manufacturer name, part number, model, and where its documentation can be found) if it is a third-party implementation. In case that it is your design, could you please clarify if it has been verify by Intel?


Could you please let us if this condition happens using the Intel I210, I211, and X550 EEPROM Access Tool (EAT) document # 572162? Please try and let us know the results if you do not know the answer to this consultation. This tool can be found when you are logged into your Resource & Design Center (RDC) privileged account at the following website:




The RDC Account Support form is the channel to process your account update request or any inconvenience related to the provided website. It can be found at:




We are waiting for your answer.


Best regards,


0 Kudos


  1. this board is designed by ourselves and it is not verified by intel. and we are testing it now.
  2. according to the log you can know that we are using EEPROM Access Tool, whose version is 0.7.9.
0 Kudos

Hello, @bweip​:


Thanks for your reply.


We suggest that your schematics and layout implementation should be verified by Intel following the procedures stated on the following website:




Best regards,




0 Kudos

Hi. We are facing exacly the same problem. Have you solved this issue? Thank you.

0 Kudos

Hello, @jvan:

Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.

You should use the EEPROM Access Tool [EAT] Intel Ethernet Controller X550 and Intel Ethernet 300/200 Series Designs document # 572162, which is the updated version of the cited tool. You can find it when you are logged into your Resource & Design Center (RDC) privileged account on the following website:


You should fill out the RDC Account Support form to process your account update request or report any inconveniences with the provided site. You can be found on the following website:


Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello. Thank you for your reply and the advice. Unfortunately the problem remains even with the latest EAT v.0.8.0. I also went through all points from "Troubleshooting" and still no luck.

If if read lock bits, the output is as follows:

./EepromAccessTool -nic=1 -readlockbits
Using FW mode
0: 0
1: 0
30: 0
31: 1

But I use external Flash, so I don't know whetner these bits are relevant.

0 Kudos

Hello, @jvan:

Thanks for your reply.

We need more information to have a better idea of this situation. We want to address the following questions:

Could you please clarify if the design related to this situation has been developed by you or by a third-party vendor? Could you please give us the part number, model, and where is stated all the information in case it is a third-party design? Could you please give a list of the sources that you used to develop the affected design and if it has been verified by Intel in case it has been developed by you?

We are waiting for your clarification.

Best regards,


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