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Live Webinar March 16: Intel, SAS and Timothy Chou re: Cloud and IoT


Making the most of the huge amounts of data produced by the internet of things requires a bit of creativity – and that means using analytics in the cloud while data processing moves toward devices on the edge.

https://www.sas.com/gms/redirect.jsp?detail=GMS45228_74817 Join us March 16 for this live webcast with three major thought leaders to see how you can achieve the scale and agility that IoT demands using cloud-based technologies.

What you'll learn
  • Best practices for organizations to consider when planning an IoT initiative
  • Technical challenges in an end-to-end (edge-to-cloud) infrastructure
  • Key capabilities necessary to support analytics for IoT
Featured speakers
  • Timothy Chou – Author of Precision: Principles, Practices and Solutions for the Internet of Things
  • Oliver Schabenberger – Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, SAS
  • Kumar Balasubramanian – General Manager of Internet of Things Solutions, Intel

https://www.sas.com/gms/redirect.jsp?detail=GMS45228_74817 Register today to join us!

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