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DM9000A problem

Honored Contributor II



I have a problem with DM9000A. 


I am using DE2_NET system and its NIOS II program with a little change. I change the program to show every packets it receives by triggering an interrupt. But after a while maybe 5 or 6 packets it stops to show packets. I make sure that my program is still running with some simple changes in LEDs and also make sure that I have packets in Ethernet with programs like wireshark. 


Can you help me? I am thinking it is a problem with internal memory of DM9000A or some stack problem. (I am using the header and source file which Altera has provided with DE2_NET version 1.6)
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

What do you mean with 'show packets' ? 

Are you displaying it in jtag uart terminal window, blinking a LED, routing them to a serial port or whatever ? 

In case you are using jtag uart terminal, please note that this is a very slow output port, so using it in an interrupt handler can lead to strong delays.  

Moreover, IIRC printf is not thread safe,so you can have some problems if you are using it with a OS.
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Honored Contributor II


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What do you mean with 'show packets' ? 

Are you displaying it in jtag uart terminal window, blinking a LED, routing them to a serial port or whatever ? 

In case you are using jtag uart terminal, please note that this is a very slow output port, so using it in an interrupt handler can lead to strong delays.  

Moreover, IIRC printf is not thread safe,so you can have some problems if you are using it with a OS. 

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Yes, thank you 


I was using jtag uart terminal for displaying my packets. And because it was slow after a while everything stop working. I am using another method now.
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