Ethernet Products
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4946 Discussions

Extremely Slow Ethernet Speeds with Intel Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V


I'm reaching out for some assistance with an issue that has been quite frustrating. I have a fiber internet connection with a throughput of 1 gb/s. However, when connecting my PC via ethernet using the Intel Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V, my speeds are abysmally low, hovering around 42 kb/s, which is far from what I should be getting. Interestingly, my WiFi connections do not exhibit this problem and I am able to achieve the 1 gb/s when using that adapter, suggesting the issue is specific to the ethernet connection.

Steps I Have Already Taken:

  • I have undertaken numerous troubleshooting steps, including checking for any physical damage to the cables and testing with different ethernet cables to rule out any hardware issues on that front. Have also played with the advanced settings thru the device manager in attempt to fix speeds.
  • As of now all settings have been reverted to their defaults, and I performed a fresh installation of the latest drivers for my Intel Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V, ensuring that everything is up to date.
  • Additionally, I have disabled the Power Saving Mode for the ethernet adapter, thinking it might be throttling the connection, but to no avail.

At this point, I am led to believe that there might be specific advanced settings within the Device Manager for the ethernet adapter that need tweaking to unlock the full speed of my internet connection.

Could someone guide me on what can be done to fix my ethernet speeds? Any advice on other troubleshooting steps or settings to check would also be greatly appreciated.

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4 Replies

Hi Methods,


Thank you for reaching out to the Intel community.


We acknowledge receipt of your concern and want to assure you that assisting you is our top priority. To effectively troubleshoot the issue you're facing, we require some additional information from your end.


Could you please provide the following details?

  1. System Model:
  2. Is the Ethernet card embedded on the board?


Your prompt response with this information will greatly assist us in diagnosing and resolving the issue as quickly as possible.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best Regards,


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Hi Methods,


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on our previous correspondence, As I haven't received a response yet, I wanted to touch base and see if there are any updates or if there is any additional information you require from my end.


I understand that you may be busy, and I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. If there's anything I can do to assist you further or if you need any clarification, please don't hesitate to let me know.


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Thank you and best regards,

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Hi Methods,

Greetings for the day!

We would like to inform you that we are closing this request as no response has been received from our previous follow-ups. 

Please don't hesitate to ask any further questions in the future. Feel free to start a new conversation, as this thread will no longer be monitored.



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