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Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V This device cannot start. (Code 10)


Greetings and happy holydays to everyone! Today I encountered an issue I simply cannot fix, and neither I found a fix on this forum(even thou I see that threads with same problem have been made but none of them have been resolved) or anywhere else online. To cut the story short, about a month ago I decided that it is finally time to upgrade from my almost 10 year old AMD FX system and decided i5 11400f paired with Asus H510 Prime and 16gb of ram would be a good choice for my needs. Everything worked fine since first day without issue but today Ethernet adapter decided to die out on me for no reason. Yesterday after finishing work on the PC, I turned it off without errors but today I noticed that I have no internet connection. At first I noticed that the Ethernet light is not blinking on the back of the motherboard and neither "Lan" light on the router that turns on when the PC is on, so checked my router which seemed fine and is also very new, together with the cable that I replaced just to be sure, but that didn't fix it. I searched for the cause of the problem further and found out there is an issue with "Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V" in the device manager. The reported device status under "General" tab is:

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

{Operation Failed}
The requested operation was unsuccessful.

While "Event Viewer" is being bombared by:

Device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15FA&SUBSYS_86721043&REV_11\3&11583659&0&FE had a problem starting.

Driver Name: oem61.inf
Class Guid: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Service: e1dexpress
Lower Filters:
Upper Filters:
Problem: 0xA
Problem Status: 0xC0000001


Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V
PROBLEM: Unable to start the network adapter.
ACTION: Install the latest driver from "".


I think these three things are most important to look into but I can provide more if needed.

Here is some of the things I tried:

-Reinstall newest Intel drivers for mentioned Ethernet adapter multiple times

-Reinstall older Intel drivers for mentioned Ethernet adapter multiple times

-Reinstall chipset drivers

-Uninstalling the device via device manager and letting Windows give it the driver automaticly 

-Deleting all registry files associated with the adapter( after seeing that it didn't fix it, I imported them back just in case it messed it up more)

-Forcing Windows to install wrong drivers for it via device manager( was a success a few times, driver from Realtek for instance, managed to install and to make situation more funny-it got "recognized" and the device status changed to "Working" but of course with no connectivity, trying to do anything with the "new" device resulted in bluescreen or system lockup)

-sfc /scannow 

-Bios reset

-Taking out bios battery 3 times

-Network reset via control panel 

-Network troubleshooter( It's solution- restart your PC...)

-Installing Intel ProSet Adapter utility- It finds the adapter but reports I must "enable" it

And after seeing that nothing helped, I upgraded to Windows 11( that I like for now) but errors remained unchanged. I hope some specialist can look into my problem because I am completely out of clues. Could there be some sort of internal adapter failure? At first I thought about that  but remembered that all newer motherboards have all controllers and other chips like northbridge and southbridge on one chip, and that neither there can be any physical damage in the Ethernet slot because I didn't even touch prior to the failure, even thou if there was, I guess the adapter would be working anyway. There were few other errors in device manager, like "SM Bus" and "Wan Miniport" but these gave out errors that they couldn't find any drivers, and that was fixed fast of course. One more thing I should mention is that I managed to connect to the internet connectivity by using my phone as a USB modem. As soon as I activated network transfer via USB on the phone, PC recongnized it and instantly gave me a new "Network 2" adapter without any need for driver install but original issue with Ethernet still persists. 

Thanks for your help in advance.








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4 Replies

Hello kapul4,

Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities.

We are sorry to hear about this issue you encountered with your I219-V. Based on the information you shared, it seems you are using an onboard Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V. Please be informed that we have limited support for Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM) Ethernet controller. You might need to get in touch with Asus later on for further support as they have customized FW, drivers and software to enable or alter features on your system. They are in best position where you can seek assistance so you do not lose features or customizations of the Ethernet controller.

Despite that, we will try to help you as best we can with this issue. For this, can you confirm the following details for us?

  1. Any changes with the system before the issue occurred or did it just suddenly happen?
  2. Where did you download the drivers you installed on your system? Can you provide us a link?
  3. Kindly send us the SSU log of your system. For reference, attached below is a link on how to get the SSU.

Let us know if you have questions or need clarifications. Should we not receive an update from you, we will make sure to make a follow-up after 3 business days.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Best regards,

Achilles M.

Intel Customer Support

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Hello and thanks for the reply.

1. No as mentioned earlier

2. There were no system changes or installs before the problem, on my first system startup, latest drivers and firmware were downloaded directly from Asus's site for the motherboard.

3. I have attached the .txt log you requested.


I would also like to mention that I simply gave up trying to find a fix since I remembered the motherboard  has few PCI slots. So I simply went to the local PC store and bought a network card for $10 and plugged it in with no drivers or other stuff required to get it instantly recognized and working..

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Hello kapul4,

Thank you for the quick update.

We are glad to hear that you have found a workaround on your issue. Since it seems that you do not wish to continue further with this, we will now be closing this thread. Feel free to post a new question in the forums if you ever need assistance again as this thread will longer monitored. You may also want to reach out to Asus Support for assistance on this matter should you wish to find a fix again on this issue.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Best regards,

Achilles M.

Intel Customer Support

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Hello kapul4,

Before we proceed in closing this thread, we would like to share you this link just in case you would like to further check this issue. You can try out the steps that you haven't done so far from the article.

If it still does not work, it is possible that this is already hardware related so you may need to contact Asus for possible RMA.

With this, we will now proceed in closing the thread. If you ever need assistance again in the future, please don't hesitate to submit a question in the forums.

Thank you and have a great day.

Best regards,

Achilles M.

Intel Customer Support

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