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6385 Discussions

DSP BUILDER - Pin Assignment

Honored Contributor II



does anyone know how to assign Pins, who are used as programming pins by Quartus, directly in DSP Builder (Simulink - GUI)? As far as I know its only possible to assign "free" Pins (which aren't used by Quartus as programming pins or something else). 


If I assign for example: Pin F4, I receive an error message that this pin can't be assigned. Later then, in Quartus, I'm able to assign this pin manually by telling Quartus that this pin should be used as regular Pin. Is there any possibility to solve this problem directly in DSP Builder? Because of this, I need double time to compile my design (1. with DSP Builder; 2. with Quartus and the corrected pin assignments). 


PS: I'm working with a Cyclone 3 EP3C120 Dev. Board; Quartus II v9.1; DSP Builder v9.1; Matlab 2008a 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The Pin Assignment is using the block to assignment 

I show you an example
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for youre reply, but that wasn't my question. I wanted to know if it's possible to assign blocked pins (blocked by quartus as programming pin) directly in DSP Builder? 


In my design there are three blocked pins I must assign, but when I start the compiler, DSP Builder tells me that it is not possible to use these pins. So I have to compile my design first with DSP Builder, reload it in Quartus, assign the pins and compile the whole design in Quartus again. 


This takes a lot of time (approx. 2h) which I want to reduce
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