FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
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IP licence for noncommercial project?


I have been studying Computer Aided Engineering (Master) for 9 month at a german university.


At the moment we are working at a measuring module on a sounding rocket (http://rexusbexus.net/). The signal processing also includes a Intel MAX 10 FPGA, we want to use the NIOS 2 processor to monitor the system in pre- and inflight phase.

This measurement module will gather information about the forces applied to the rocket by measuring the structural strain. Therefore are strain gauge applied to the hull of this module.

I created a test project to gather some information about the NIOS 2

processor and the usage of logic elements. After a shot period of time I

got a problem with the IP Cores of the NIOS 2, JTAG_UART and onchip

memory. It is always the same error:

   Error: jtag_uart_1: Failed to find module test_jtag_uart_1

   Error: Generation stopped, 8 or more modules remaining

   Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 2 Errors, 0 Warnings

I am using the Quartus Prime 19.1 lite.

So I started looking for some solutions but I didn't find one. So I did

check the license again and noticed that the IP Base Suite is marked as

"Available for purchase". May I ask for an university license to use

the IP cores for this noncommercial project?

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1 Reply

HI Sir


Intel University Program does provide free licenses to Professors/ Faculty Members of qualified Universities.

You can apply for license by going to https://software.intel.com/en-us/fpga-academic/teach. and fill up the License Request Form. If a student requires a license request for a specific IP, please have their professor submit a licenses request. Only professors can make these requests, but anyone can post questions on the forum.

Intel University Program team will review your request and respond to you at soonest possible.

If you have any question regarding University Program, drop an Email to psg.university@intel.com   

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