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is there a mechanism in verilog to validate parameter values?

Honored Contributor II

I'm working on a very simple verilog module that has a parameter for the width of an input signal. I'll be using "[WIDTH-1:0] nomenclature for register instantiations, for instance.. 


Two questions: 


1) What will happen if they try to pass me a value of "0" ? 


2) More importantly-- how can I "validate" the value is a Natural number (1 or greater) at compile time and throw an error if a value less than 1 is passed? 




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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


1) Test it :-) and give answer. I think it not accepted by Quartus. 


2) In VHDL, I use assertions. there may be an equivalent in Verilog. 

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Honored Contributor II

Is it going to be a custom component in SOPC Builder? If it is, you can add ranges to generics in your hw.tcl file that will notify the user and stop him/her from generating the project if the value is outside the range.

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Honored Contributor II


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1) Test it :-) and give answer. I think it not accepted by Quartus. 


2) In VHDL, I use assertions. there may be an equivalent in Verilog. 


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1) wiseguy .. :) I knew I could test it -- but that only yields results very particular to one software (Quartus), and moreover, one version of that software (I'm using v7.2) ... I was hoping for a more "Verilog Lanugage Rules" type answer... :) 


Anyways, QII v7.2 gives the following error: 

Error (10232): Verilog HDL error at ***v(**): index 1 cannot fall outside the declared range [-1:0] for vector "****" 


2) Did some checking -- Verilog doesn't seem to support Assertions yet ... :( maybe we can hope for a future revision to include support..  



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Is it going to be a custom component in SOPC Builder? If it is, you can add ranges to generics in your hw.tcl file that will notify the user and stop him/her from generating the project if the value is outside the range. 

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Nope-- not using SOPC builder this time around .. no need for this project.. thanks though! 


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