FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6204 Discussions

Beechnut vs ArcherCity cscript issue? PCIe slots?



I have an SDP case open and am working with Intel.     I can run cscripts lt_loop tests without issue on an AvenueCity/Granite Rapids (closed case) but am unable to halt() Beechnut/GraniteRapids (open case)   / different BIOS versions/BIOS config, I get the following issue.    

Am checking BIOS differences, etc.   Intel is suggesting using FITm to verify if CPU Debugging" is set as "Enabled", which requires Windows installation on SUT.

Another question:   What document is available to determine the PCIe/CXL support per slot on GraniteRapids machines.  


Thank you!



C:\686308 BHS CScripts 2334.6000\cscripts>dflaunch startCscripts.py -a ipc -p GNR

"WARNING: IPC_PATH environment variable is set and this OpenIPC instance will be"

"         used. If this is intentional you can ignore this warning, otherwise"

"         please unset the IPC_PATH environment variable and rerun the script."

"         Note that this variable might be defined globally/system-wide."

Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  6 2021, 14:02:34) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

PythonSv running in interactive mode

win32com not found, using alternative check_running_windows method

Connecting to IPC API....

IPC-CLI: 4.23.22809.100, OpenIPC:0a1118e29aaaae3bb9a891e : 24.31.13727.200

Initializing IPC API....


Info - Detecting remote probes.

Info - OpenIPC using automatic configuration


Info - Added debug port 0 for probe XDPA 1-3

Info - Detected IO_V1_CLTAP A0 on JTAG chain 0 at position 1

Info - Detected IO_V1_CLTAP A0 on JTAG chain 0 at position 0


Warning - No TAP devices detected on JTAG chain 1


Info - Survivability Preset was requested, but no supported devices were detected.  Preset will be applied when a supported device is detected.

TargetEvent: Power : On                 -- 14:27:08.649188 2024-09-18

TargetEvent: PowerDomain : PCH : On     -- 14:27:08.649188 2024-09-18

Target System: GNR - GraniteRapids

Running Graniterapids

Uncompressing uncore_uncore_rwc.200.lmdb.tar.xz..... done in 0  minute(s) and 2.44  second(s)

Using XDPA as the OpenIPC connection.

Uncompressing redwoodcove.lmdb.tar.xz..... done in 0  minute(s) and 0.03  second(s)

Creating SOC CHA and Core logical view...

Current Working Dir: C:\Users\Lab\PythonSv



    Welcome to CScripts for Server & Micro-server platforms!

    These scripts are provided as-is as a courtesy to assist with platform

    debug. They are NOT intended for manufacturing or production line validation,

    and Intel makes no guarantee, implied or otherwise, that these scripts will

    function in a production environment. They are not fully validated by Intel

    nor guaranteed to execute as described. These scripts rely on (in some cases)

    unspecified features within our components which may or may not be functional

    from stepping to stepping, or from product to product. They are provided at

    no cost. Customers are free to modify these scripts as needed for their own

    platform debugging purposes. Defects should be reported to your Intel account



    All log files will be placed in C:\Users\Lab\PythonSv

    For help on functions or objects when in the shell type help(NAME)





    *      NOTICE: Install the pyreadline package to enable tab completion.       *



Cscripts version: BHS.2334.6000

IPC-CLI Version 4.23.22809.100

Probe Information: PortPath: 1-3, SerialNum: 62246498, FwRev: XDP3_fpga_09020215, AsmNum: E17244-001

Start Platform Stuff with access type ipc

WARNING!!! ltssm_gnr should not be imported directly. Import pysvtools.pciedebug.ltssm instead

Socket 0: detected Server-AP, 72 cores, A2, PCI Segment 0, Bus List = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x29, 0x3a, 0x4b, 0x5c, 0x6d, 0x7e, 0x7f]

Socket 1: detected Server-AP, 72 cores, A2, PCI Segment 0, Bus List = [0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x94, 0xa6, 0xb7, 0xc8, 0xd9, 0xea, 0xfe, 0xff]


>>> halt

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

  File "cscripts\dependencies\svtools\common\smartprompt.py", line 298, in _autorunhelpimport

  File "cscripts\dependencies\ipccli\ipc_env\ipc_baseaccess.py", line 1279, in halt

  File "cscripts\dependencies\py2ipc\IPC2PyUtils.py", line 106, in newfunc

  File "cscripts\dependencies\py2ipc\Service_OperationReceipt.py", line 169, in Flush

  File "cscripts\dependencies\py2ipc\IPCTypes.py", line 83, in IPC_ErrorCheck

py2ipc.IPCErrorCodes.IPC_Error: RunControl_Timeout == 0x800a0004

.       Timeout occurred while waiting for threads to halt with 0 retries.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported.  Error occurred in enDebug: enDebug not supported. 




>>> itp.ishalted()


>>> itp.isrunning()


Labels (1)
0 Kudos
2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I think you're in the wrong forum.

0 Kudos
Community Manager

Hi Enarvaez,

Thank you for posting your query in Intel community forum.

Since your query is related to Beechnut and Archer city platform. We recommend you to open the new ticket in the Intel Software Development Platform Support Center (Intel SDP) http://www.intel.com/sdp.

 We would like to inform you that we are closing this request as we have redirected you to Intel SDP support. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any further questions in the future. Feel free to start a new conversation, as this thread will no longer be monitored.



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