FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

Cyclone III Video Dev Kit

Honored Contributor II

Hi there! I’ve just purchased Cyclone III Video Dev Kit from Bitec and want a bit of guidance from the experts ;) This kit includes a Cyclone III EP3C120F780 FPGA.  


My experience with Altera FPGA’s and software is kind of low, so I have some questions for you.  



1. Is there more design examples available online? The ones with the kit are “my_first_fpga”, “niosII_standard”, “pfl”, “power_demo” and “quartos_pinouts”. I first of all want to make a simple code that prints something on the LCD display (graphical or character). The tutorials with the kit/sw are rather simple …  


2. With limited knowledge in FPGA’s I need some “pointers” to quickly gaining knowledge from Altera’s literature. What are the basic topics for a newbie like me? ;)  


3. What kind of programming languages is most efficient VHDL (Quartus II) or C (NIOS II IDE) and does it matter what I use? I have some knowledge in both of the programming languages so that’s not the main challenge.  


4. My ultimate goal is to develop a video-over-ethernet (real-time speed) using the Bitec HSMC Quad Video daughter card to capture from an analog camera (NTSC) and stream this over ethernet. Will a “soft implementation” using the NIOS II IP (and other necessary IP’s) be fast enough, what do you think?  



Well that’s it :) I’m very excited about this and hope there is someone out there that will give me some guidance in the right direction with links etc. 



Thank you all in advance
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11 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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1. Is there more design examples available online? The ones with the kit are “my_first_fpga”, “niosII_standard”, “pfl”, “power_demo” and “quartos_pinouts”. I first of all want to make a simple code that prints something on the LCD display (graphical or character). The tutorials with the kit/sw are rather simple …  




4. My ultimate goal is to develop a video-over-ethernet (real-time speed) using the Bitec HSMC Quad Video daughter card to capture from an analog camera (NTSC) and stream this over ethernet. Will a “soft implementation” using the NIOS II IP (and other necessary IP’s) be fast enough, what do you think?  


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Check out the 'vip_example_design_3c120_v80_revA' that demonstrates the Video IP suite; it's pretty good, once you figure out some of the 'qwerks'. It is made for the BiTec kit combo. 



PS: I wish I could afford that kit.
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Honored Contributor II



Bitec have just uploaded a h.264 encoder demonstration which streams video from a DVI port to GiGe.
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Honored Contributor II


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Check out the 'vip_example_design_3c120_v80_revA' that demonstrates the Video IP suite; it's pretty good, once you figure out some of the 'qwerks'. It is made for the BiTec kit combo. 



PS: I wish I could afford that kit. 

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Thanks! I will give this design example a try! :) What kind of compression does it use?
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Honored Contributor II


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Bitec have just uploaded a h.264 encoder demonstration which streams video from a DVI port to GiGe. 

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I will take a look at this :) My first approach will be streaming video without any compression at all. I hope this kit will handle it :) Thanks for answering! :)
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Honored Contributor II

Another question: I've just requested the Video IP Reference Design from Altera, but seems like it takes some time ... anyone know for how long I have to wait for this reference design?

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Honored Contributor II

It's too big to up load; or it would be here.

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Honored Contributor II


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It's too big to up load; or it would be here. 

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OK! Just sent you a PM mikehsr ...
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Honored Contributor II

Finally got the 'Video Over IP Reference Design' and trying to port it to Cyclone III Video Kit. I have added a 'Bitec QVideo In' module from the 'Quad Video Input'-example and successfully generated files from the SoPC-builder, but I need some help with the pin-assignment. Can this be done with a tcl-script? Or must I do this manually in the schematic diagram and the pin planner?

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Honored Contributor II


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Finally got the 'Video Over IP Reference Design' and trying to port it to Cyclone III Video Kit. I have added a 'Bitec QVideo In' module from the 'Quad Video Input'-example and successfully generated files from the SoPC-builder, but I need some help with the pin-assignment. Can this be done with a tcl-script? Or must I do this manually in the schematic diagram and the pin planner? 

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All three are methods; if your more comfortable with tcl, use it. 


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Honored Contributor II

Okey, thanks Mike I'm done experimenting with different reference designs and a bit annoyed when fiddling about with the SOPC-builder trying to make a system from scratch. I can't seem to find the right Avalon-ST interface to use with the Triple Speed Ethernet component. This sopc-project also includes a NiosII processor and using the Clocked Video Input that I want to send raw-RGB to the TSE. Some suggestions? I know that it's needed with some "glue-coding" afterwards but I just wonder whats possible to do with the SOPC.

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Honored Contributor II

I'm using the SGDMA-component to connect to the TSE and that works for now ;)

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