FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
5986 Discussions

De0-Nano niosii Hello World example not loading to flash

Honored Contributor II



Totally new at FPGA, but super excited about this technology! I've been going through the tutorials downloaded from the website for the De0-Nano and was able to implement everything so far. Now I have been able to successfully load the niosII on the board and run the "Hello World" program. I am now running into trouble using the flash programmer to flash it onto the board so it stays. I have been able to flash the system with the GSensor tutorial using the Quartus II programmer, but I seem to be having difficulty with the Flash Programmer. 


Under Hardware connetions: USB-Blaster on localhost [USB-0] EP3C25|EP4CE22@1  


when I click Refresh connections I get error: Connected system ID hash not found on target at expected base address. 

when I select the system ID checks (Ignore mismatched id, and system timestamp) I get caution: connected system timestamp not found on target at expected base address, and The expected CPU nae does not match the selected target CPU name. 


And of course the START button is greyed out. 

There is also no information in the main window of the flash programmer. 


I am using Flash programmer version 13.1 162 

I have applied the Flash patch, as I believe I have the Spansion upgrade. 

Eclipse Version: Indigo Service Release2 Build ID: 20120216-1857 


Does it make any difference that I am running on a trial license? 


Please let me know what I can do to resolve this issue.  

And thank you Altera/Terasic for making such awesome products! 


All the best, 



Ottawa, Canada
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

So no responses yet... Am I asking the wrong question? Or has this been answered before and I'm just not aware of it? I did read through the forum posts and couldn't find anything to help me (not that it may not be out there... I just didn't find it). Could someone please point me in the right direction? I am sadly still working on this lol

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Honored Contributor II

You can ignore mismatched time stamp & system-id to let "Start" button enabled. 


Connection-> check "Ignore mismatched timestamp" and "Ignore mismatched system ID"
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Honored Contributor II

That's bad advice. If there is a mismatched ID or timestamp, it means that for a reason or another, the design currently running in the FPGA isn't the one expected by Eclipse. Ignoring this won't fix the error, and could make things even worse later. 


jcraig66, there are already several threads on the forum about this problem, it indicates a mismatch between the hardware and software projects. Regenerate your SOPC Builder/QSys project, recompile the quartus project, flash the FPGA, ensure that the FPGA is indeed running this new design (no configuration error), regenerate the bsp in Eclipse, recompile the software, try to upload.
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Honored Contributor II

I have the same question, who can tell me whw?

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