FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
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Files/Setting needed for cycloneVsoc baremetal project.

New Contributor II


I'm using SoM system for my baremetal project now.

Here is the image of this board:


It has an eMMC flash as a boot option.

I don't know what is the boot flow for this device. So I assume boot form eMMC is kind of boot form SD/MMC card using cycloneVsoc dev kit.

In order to that I'm tyrying to use SPL,since preloader is no longer supportted.

what I did:

1. compile the axf file and then compile the bin file using fromelf(ARMCC tool chain)

2. compile the sof system file using Quartus Prime 22.1std

3. compile the SPL file using Uboot and cycloneVsoc defconfig to get u-boot-spl.

4. made an image from rocketboards.org for the SD card.


I read the AN709 file: baremetal for SD card. 

I think what I need to do next is: 

Using mkimage to add a load point and an entry address. In baremetal example helloworld, you used order like:

    $(MKIMAGE) -A arm -T standalone -C none -a 0x100040 -e 0 -n "baremetal image" -d $(BIN) $(IMG)
However, what's next?
About SPL:
There is a notice "Note: spl.boot.SDMMC_NEXT_BOOT_IMAGE = 0x40000. " on AN709.
Do I need to change the spl boot image address as well? 
What's the meaning of this address 0x40000?
About mkimage:
Could you explane how can I get the correct -a and -e address?
What are these addresss retaled to? sdcard address, next_boot_image address, scat address,etc.
Could you give me an example?
About SD card:
For baremetal system
What's the correct design flow next?
Which file do I need to which loacation?
Thank you for your help.
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New Contributor II
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As I have mentioned on the other post-https://community.intel.com/t5/FPGA-SoC-And-CPLD-Boards-And/Bootrom-debug-failed-to-find-spl-in-emmc-CycloneVsoc/m-p/1638333#M28424

we don't have any documentation or steps for BareMetal application booting from eMMC on cyclone V.

However, you are referring the AN709 which is based on the HWLIB GNU based examples.

In order to run the SDcard, QSPI booting examples presented in this Boot Guide the following are required:

• Altera® Cyclone V Development Kit, Rev D

• Host PC running Windows 7 or newer(1)

• Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite (SoC EDS), v14.1 installed

• Altera Complete Design Suite (ACDS) v14.1(2)

spl.boot.SDMMC_NEXT_BOOT_IMAGE = 0x40000. This is the location where the bare-metal application image is stored.



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