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Thank you for reaching out. Allow me some time to look into your issue. I shall come back to you with findings.
Thank you for your patience.
Best Regards,
Nazrul Naim
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Good Day,
Sorry for the delay. Before we go for RMA, the first recommendation is to check the warranty status of your FPGA Development Kit.
Can you provide the faulty Devkit information?
serial number S/N:
product number P/N:
DVK Model Name:
Best regards,
Nazrul Naim
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It has been a while since you posted an update to this case. Is there any update regarding the details from my previous comment.
Best Regards,
Nazrul Naim
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As we do not receive any response from you on the previous question/reply/answer that we have provided, for now I will set this case to Close-Pending.
Nazrul Naim