FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
5985 Discussions

How to tap out signals if we don't have GPIO pins.

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

we are using Stratix II GX PCI E development board. 

we are facing a typical problem for one of our projects that we have to tap out (connect) signals to another external board. 

There are no GPIO pins on Stratix II GX PCI E development board. 

is there any way to connect signals to external world ? 


Note : there are two HSMC ports available on the board but we are unaware of how to use them. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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there are two HSMC ports available on the board but we are unaware of how to use them. 

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How to understand this statement? These are connectors, the reference manual shows the pin mapping. The only problem is in identifying which signals are suitable for GPIO purposes and what't their bank voltage.  


There is also a HSMC breakout debug board avaibale from Altera, that may be useful to interface the connectors. Otherwise, get the HSMC specification and design your own board or use a Samtec flat cable IDC connector.
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