FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

IO pins

Honored Contributor II

I'm attempting to control a wireless car using the DE2 board in a similar way to how this guy did it on his computer: 





but i can't use a parallel port since there isn't one on the board. does anyone have any suggestions on which IO to use for it? i had thought about the serial port, but i'm not sure if that would be the best. Someone had suggested using the expansion header slots on the board for it, but I can't seem to find something that fits in there since IDE cables have the closed slot for one of the pins. 


Any help would greatly be appreciated with this.
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Honored Contributor II


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but I can't seem to find something that fits in there since IDE cables have the closed slot for one of the pins. 

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These are industy standard 2x20 0,1" pin headers. Cables and suitable IDC connectors are available at most electronics DIY stores and any catalog distributor. Also many IDE cables don't have the said keyed connector, so they can be used with DE-2. But unlike some older Altera Dev Kits, the DE-2 expansion header has no IDE drive compatible pin mapping.
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