FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
5975 Discussions

clk input 50 MHz to pinE13 CycloneIII dev kit

Honored Contributor II

Hi all learned members of the forum, 


I am writing a Verilog code to drive the 7-segment user display using clock signal to count 0 to 3 while selecting inputs from mux to selectively drive each digit of the 4-digit 7-segment display. This is part of my getting to know the board as well as learning digital concepts. In Modelsim and testbench, it's ok. 


My board: http://www.altera.com/products/devkits/altera/kit-cyc3.html 


My problem:  

Q1.) In the pin assignment, I narrowed down my option for clock to what I think is the simplest option. The 50 Mhz oscillator. The reference manual says signal propagates to pin E13 of the FPGA. But when I do "pin assignments", pin E13 does not exist in the list. Why? Did I miss something? 


Q2.) Because I could not get the 50 Mhz clk, I decided to use the 125 Mhz on board clk. But when I compile, there is this critical warning "found minimum pulse width or period violations". I guess my counter is counting too fast? Becuase when I implemented just the counter module, the same error message occurred.  

If so, please mention/point to me a technique to get the counter to count slower which I can try to implement. 


Thank you very much.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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The reference manual says signal propagates to pin E13 of the FPGA. 

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I see, that this is written in the manual. Actually E13 is a VCCIO8 pin. You may ask Altera for a correct version of the reference manual. 


P.S.: According to the schematic, CLKIN_50 is to PIN_AH15. There's also a cycloneIII_3c120_dev_quartus_pinouts example, that contains most relevant pinouts.
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Honored Contributor II

But don't forget that the cycloneIII_3c120_dev_quartus_pinouts example has errors, as I said here (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2609)

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you. 

For beginner, this can be confusing. 

But at least now I know I can check the pin info in ref manual against the schematics.
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Honored Contributor II

Yes it's difficult. On this kit the only reliable source of information is the board schematics...

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