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Graphics command center Beta - custom resolution - Bad parameter


I have a pretty old Dell U2711 monitor which has a max resolution of 2560 x 1440. I got a new PC with (Win 11, Intel Iris xe) which by default only shows up to 1920 x 1080.

On my other 2 PC's it was always easy to add via Intel Command Center a custom profile (2560, 1440, 52p, CVT-RB) and works like a charm. 

Now with the newest Intel drivers there is no more the option for a custom resolution. I found a post which obviously helped someone (download Graphics command Center BETA) - but not in my case: Solved: Re:No Longer Able to Add a Custom Resolution - Intel Community


Does not matter what I enter (I spent already 5 hours) - I always get the error message:

Error occurred: Unable to add settings - Bad parameters.

Anyone can help me to safe environment so I don't need to throw away a good monitor which works just because of a software which does no longer support this one?

  • Windows 11
  • Lenovo Thinkpad X1 with Intel Iris Xe - driver version
  • Intel Graphics Command Center (Beta) 1.100.1300.0


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1 Solution

Hello Ludwig_muc, I just received an update on this matter.

After reviewing the case we can confirm that the resolution settings have been removed from Intel® GCC. Resolutions can be changed from Operating System settings. However considering you are looking for custom resolutions, you may look for third-party applications to do that, and also check with the display manufacturer if they allow this on their display panel, as this could potentially cause damage. From our side, we would like to inform you that custom resolutions are not supported.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

View solution in original post

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9 Replies

Ludwig_mucThank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.

We are sorry to hear about this issue and we will be more than glad to assist you with this matter. 

In order for us to provide the proper assistance on this scenario, could you please, first, let us know in which country are you located?


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

My PC and I are mostly located in Germany, however the PC runs on English language and was bought through Romania. 


Is that enough information?


Thanks for helping!


Best, Ludwig

0 Kudos

Ludwig_muc, You are very welcome, thank you very much for confirming those details.

For this scenario and in order to try to fix the problem related to the custom resolution in the Intel® Graphics Command Center, please follow the instructions in the link below:

If the issue remains after that, then please provide the following information:

When did you purchase the PC?

Did the custom resolution option ever work fine before on this specific machine?

If yes, when did the issue start?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes that might cause this problem?

Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment?

Please attach the SSU report so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, check all the options in the report including the one that says "3rd party software logs":


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thank You Alberto, but the link for the custom resolution is already a kind of outdated (07/08/2021) and this is exactly what I tried for hours in all possible variations.

Please note that the released version of "Command Center" does not have the custom option choice at all. Only the Beta version does have the choice again. Which I'm using. see here:


As it's still not working here are the details:

  1. When did you purchase the PC? >>> October 2023 (2 weeks ago)
  2. Did the custom resolution option ever work fine before on this specific machine? >>> NO
  3. If yes, when did the issue start?
  4. Did you make any recent hardware/software changes that might cause this problem? >>> NO, didn't work since beginning
  5. Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment? >>> Working from Home, but it's my work PC and some work policies are applied.

Best regards, Ludwig

0 Kudos

Ludwig_muc, You are very welcome, thank you very much for letting us know those results and sharing the SSU report.


We are sorry to hear the issue remains after trying the suggestions provided previously.


Based on that, I will do further research on this matter to try to find a possible solution for this scenario. As soon as I get any updates, I will post all the details on this thread.



Albert R.


Intel Customer Support Technician


0 Kudos

Hello Ludwig_muc, I just received an update on this matter.

After reviewing the case we can confirm that the resolution settings have been removed from Intel® GCC. Resolutions can be changed from Operating System settings. However considering you are looking for custom resolutions, you may look for third-party applications to do that, and also check with the display manufacturer if they allow this on their display panel, as this could potentially cause damage. From our side, we would like to inform you that custom resolutions are not supported.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

This is very very unfortunate that the Graphics card manufacturer doesn't support custom resolution with their SW. But I have to accept - even though it seems that Intel could prevent many "older" monitors - over 100 views of this post within 1 week! - with no up2date drivers to be put to the garbage. 


However - many many thanks for taking following through that topic and providing a clear answer!



Best regards, Ludwig

0 Kudos

Hello Ludwig_muc, 

I am following up to confirm if you have any additional questions related to the Intel® Graphics Command Center-Beta and its features.

Let me know if you want to close this thread or if you need additional guidance.


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hello Ludwig_muc, 

Thanks for your response and comprehension. I would like to let you know that I will proceed to close this thread. However, you can open a new one in case you need further support or if you face any issues with our products.

Best regards, 

Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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