Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Intel Graphic Drivers prevents CPU low power mode


I have an issue with my Zotac ZBOX CI547 (7200U CPU) running Windows Server 2016.

All works fine, except that EXACTLY 10 minutes after booting up the machine the CPU has continues 5-10% CPU peeks from System process. dxgmms2.sys to be exact.

It peeks up so frequently that the CPU is never turned into low power mode (800 MHz) and always runs at 2-2.8 Ghz consuming high power even when there is nothing running on the computer. This causes a constant and high temperatures.

I boiled it down to the Intel Graphics Driver for the integrated Intel HD 620 graphic card.

When I uninstall the graphic drivers the CPU peaks disappear immediately, but I also lose the 3D acceleration.

Running on most recent Windows Server 2016, all updates installed.

Tried windows shipped in drivers, also the latest 15.65, 15.60, 15.47 drivers. All have the issue. And every time it appears exactly 10 minutes after system boot time. 100% reproduceable.

How can I solve this issue? I have spend a week trying to nail down and fix this issue, but only when uninstalling the driver the issue disappears and the CPU stays idle (0-1% CPU over an hour period).

It looks like the image above and always begins at exactly 10 minutes "up time" mark.

I have no ideas what else to try and how to fix it. Please, fast solution required, so much time lost and I need this device running correctly now.

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14 Replies

No one an idea? Please is urgent, I must make the server running and I wasted too much time already. Can not be only one

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Super User

Be patient. You will be served when it is your turn.


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Hello Odessa



Thank you for joining the community.



I am looking into your situation, I see that you system Zotac ZBOX CI547 has support for Windows® 10 according to the manufacturer specifications you can see that on the following link spec spec



Also, you should also verify if the drivers used are also intended for Windows® 10 or for the operating system that you are using





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

Yes, I have installed the Windows 10 x64 drivers on my Zotac ZBOX CI547.

They are working, per se as that I get 3D acceleration and can run applications that require hardware acceleration.

It's just that CPU peaks which start 10 minutes after restart when the OS is idle. With the drivers uninstalled it's the peaks disappear IMMEDIATELY (reads: Even w/o reboot) and stay low and the CPU is in constant 0.8 GHz mode.

but with the drivers installed it keeps waking up the CPU all the time so its at 2-2.5 GHz all the time.

As soon as the drivers are installed, always the same. Tried all the versions listed above. I also used the driver which windows installs by itself. Same issue

0 Kudos

Hello Odessa



Thank you for your response.



In order to get more information about your system could you provide us with the Intel® System Support Utility for Windows* and attach the report to the thread.





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

Here you go.

This one was done with the latest drivers installed which also had the issues.


I also attached the screenshot of the "System" Process with Process Explorer. As you can see, its always the dxgmms2.sys which according to my research is DirectX 12 DLL. When driver is uninstalled this threads do not appear within the system process and CPU remains idle (as expected).

It must be some kind of funky background service from Intel Drivers, because it always starts 10 mintes after the system boots up. At exactly the 10 minutes point, the CPU spikes up (approx 25% CPU usage for 20 seconds) and then it starts to go between 0 and 8-10% CPU up and down all the time, like in the screenshot from the first post.

0 Kudos

Hello Odessa



Thank you for your response.



Allowed me to share with you that according to the manufacturer of your system the device supports Windows® 10 (64 bit) you can review that information on the link shared on the previous post, also the Intel® HD graphics 620 drivers are design for Windows® 10 (64 bit), therefore, since you are currently using Windows® server 2016 you may experience unexpected behavior on your system.





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

You're funny...

Even after a **FRESH** install (or uninstall of the current drivers), it's windows which installs these drivers (although an older version), not like I could PREVENT IT. As soon as I uninstall the driver they are updated directly after that and effective after next reboot. Now you want tell me its not supported but you ship out these drivers with the Windows Server 2016 Updates?

I hope you are just making a joke. On server system we usually don't have any 3rd party graphic cards like nVidia or AMD, the GPU integrated in the CPU or onboard is the ONLY gfraphic devices that are there, and you gonna tell me its not supported?

So every server wastes 8-10% CPU cycles cause your drivers are force installed on the system? Tell me that's a joke. Windows 10 doesn't come in question for this box, due to forced reboots when an update gets shipped. The device must run and not restart unless I download and install updates on demand on a scheduled time.

Also it doesn't matter at all what Zotac writes on their webpage. The CPU with the integrated graphic card is from Intel, not from Zotac. You guys are the manufacturer.

On a side note, it takes you 5 days and a ssu tool protocol to tell me I am using Windows Server 2016 when it's clearly written in the opening post? I want a solution not hearing stuff I already stated in the first post

0 Kudos

, another week passed and nothing. Do you call this support?

Send one of the developer guys who did the drivers if you have no clue about what I'm talking here, so I can get professional help locating and eliminating this issue.

Not speaking of the other issue I'm now having (other that that the devices heats up on idle, because of the bug described in the OP): Now both cores run synchronously and waste even more electricity and heats up the CPU even more...

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Super User

Watch your language. Repeat this and your account will be disabled. You will get no more warnings.


0 Kudos

Wow, herostic. Instead of help, I get threats.

Maybe time to swtich to AMD instead of buying this piece of junk, support non-existing. Instead of having a developer who programmed this drivers have a look into it I get non-sense answers and threats.

Not sure your company can allow this kind of publicity after you messed up royally with Spectre and Meltdown

0 Kudos

Hello Odessa



Thank you for your response.



Sorry for the inconvenience, as mentioned in the previous post, Intel® HD graphics 620 drivers support Windows® 10.



Allowed me to share this following link for information on the spectre and meltdown, for inquiries on the matter.





Leonardo C.



0 Kudos
Super User

That is correct; there are rules of conduct for the use of this site. Bad language is against the rules. I didn't threaten you, I promised you that a repeat performance would result in consequences.

As for the situation, Diego explained it to you. You are running an O/S that is unsupported. That means no support. What part of that don't you understand?


0 Kudos

All I want me to tell you whats causing it and how to stop it.

It must be some service you dudes have programmed how comes that you guys don't even know what stuff you program? This is hilarious. Like I said it begins exactly 10 minutes after a system reboot. Like some delayed system service. Ask your developers, get me answers. We pay big money for that CPU and now we have issues cuz you guys can't make your own drivers work? is this joke from biggest CPU company worldwide?!?

I do not care if I have to edit registry or anything, I can do that. Just tell me what needs to be done to make it stop.

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