Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21969 Discussions

Intel graphics software tuning error


   I have a custom fan curve for my A770 and for some reason the Intel graphics software is saying my gpu is unstable and wants to revert to stock settings, I don't have gpu tuning on and only a custom fan curve that it set up really well. I don't understand how my fan curve is making the gpu unstable, This seems to be some kind of software programming mishap and needs to be corrected. A custom fan curve shouldn't be making the gpu unstable.




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7 Replies

Also i'm having a problem with the Intel Graphics software closing itself or not responding.

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Hello Dreadnaught,


I would like to clarify that the prompt you received is not due to a program mishap. This feature is included in the Intel Graphics software to inform users that accessing certain settings is part of the overclocking feature. This functionality is intended for advanced users who are familiar with the settings they need to apply.


If you are confident in the tuning settings you have applied, there is no need to worry. You may proceed to edit, reapply, or dismiss the settings as needed. However, please proceed with caution and ensure you understand the changes you are making.


If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to post here.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello Dreadnaught,

I wanted to follow up regarding the information we shared with you recently. Have you had a chance to review them? Your feedback is invaluable in helping us determine the next best course of action. 

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or if there's anything else you need from us. 

Looking forward to your response! 


Best regards, 

Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello Dreadnaught,


Since I have not received any response from you, I will proceed with closing this ticket. Please note that this case will no longer be monitored. 


If you have any new questions or inquiries, kindly submit another ticket, and we will be happy to assist you. 


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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    First of all I'd like to say that it's very rude and unprofessional of you to give me a day today to respond to your last post, I've been out of town for the past week on Xmas vacation. I understand that it's not a program mishap, but having that issue pop up randomly here and there is so annoying. Another issue I'm having with the newest software is the software closing itself regularly.

  Why does intel keep adding these new features to their software when it becomes burden and some how intel thinks that everything is fine with their software when its not. Why not just simplify your software so it's more user friendly ? I have been using an intel GPU for almost 2 years and so far my experience with the GPU it self has been fine but the software is horrible.

 Adjusting the fan curve on the older software was a breeze but this newer software seems to slap you on the hand when applying a simple custom fan curve.  Good GPU, Terrible software.

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  The software is now closing itself every time i click on the performance tab.

Intel really needs to fix it's software, it's complete trash.

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   Welp i guess no response from intel, typical of intel to not respond to my forum post about a major issue with their GPU software.

Why are you guys so bad and incompetent ? You want to be in the gpu market but don't address serious issues with your software and you say that it's not a software mishap ? Clowns. Please close this threads because obviously intel doesn't care about the consumer and acts like nothing is wrong when something is wrong. I'm done with intel and their BS excuses.


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