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20810 Discussions

MSI Neo2 FIR with Intel ICH9R (e)Sata Ports - Location Wrong



I have a Problem with the above Board with the Chip. The Board has (4 Sata + 2 eSata = ICH9R) + 1 Sata Ports. The One Port not Part of the ICH9R Chip I will leave out because its not part of my problem. The 4 Sata Ports are on the Inside as expected but 2 of them are marked as External and I don't seem to be able to change that. While on the other Hand the 2 eSata Ports on the Outside are marked as Internal Ports.

Please help me to correct this ... since I couldn't finde any settings regarding the location of the disks/ports in the Bios I hope that the Windows 7 Drivers or Windows 7 itself has some sort of setting where I can change the location.

Thank you

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2 Replies

Hey Smooph -

Did you find the configuration? I have a custom built PC and the Intel Rapid Storage Technology program tells me all my SATA ports are internal. However, I wired up two of them to external ports on my chassis (eSATA). I want the software to recognize that the ports are external because then Windows will provide the "safely remove" option when a drive is plugged into one of those ports.

I tried to find the configuration in the registry but it doesn't seem to be in there. The info might be in the DMI data stored on the motherboard too. I plan to keep looking.


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Looks like the ICH9/10 driver gets the configuration directly from the AHCI registers (CAP and PxCMD) inside the ICH9/10. They are write-once registers, and I would guess they are initialized by system BIOS after reset. So if your BIOS doesn't offer the choice of internal/external for each SATA port on the motherboard, then you're out of luck (like I am). I may complain to ASUS and beg for a new BIOS release, but somehow I don't expect to get very far.
