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2597 Discussions

Poor Performance in God Of War Ragnarok

New Contributor I

The latest driver does not fix the poor performance.


1080p Lowest Preset



1080p Ultra Preset




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20 Replies
New Contributor I

Still the same poor performance on


1080p Lowest Preset



1080p Ultra Preset




0 Kudos

Hello Muza,


Do you have a previous thread or post regarding this concern? It seems you discussed this issue with our specialist earlier. Kindly provide me with the exact link so I can correlate this for further checking.


Additionally, could you let me know how you performed the last update? Did you use a device manager for a clean installation, or did you use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) before updating to the latest graphics driver?


May I also know the origin of the game (e.g., Steam, Epic Games, etc.)? Have you updated the game version or any related applications recently?


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,


Previous Posts:


I used DDU to uninstall the previous driver. The game version was patch 6.


Then a few days ago patch 7 was released which appears to have fixed most of the performance issues with ARC.  The game is now playable.


The only remaining issue is the shadow settings,  anything but low causes huge fps drops.



0 Kudos

Hi Muza,

Please submit CapFrameX capture data (.json files) reproducing the issue. Capture data at least three times to establish a good performance baseline.

About CapFrameX

This is a 3rd party tool for frametimes capture and analysis based on Intel's PresentMon. The overlay is provided by Rivatuner Statistics Server (RTSS).


CapFrameX Installation instructions:

  1. Go to and download the latest version of CapframeX.
  2. Go to and download the latest version of RTSS.
  3. Unzip both installers and install them.
  4. Launch CapFrameX and then close it. This is so it creates the user Configuration folder.
  5. Download and unzip the file OverlayEntryConfiguration_0.json (attached in this post) with the recommended RTSS configuration.
  6. Paste this file to %userprofile%\Documents\CapFrameX\Configuration.
  7. In the Capture tab, set the "Capture time" to 0. This is to remove the preset limit in capture time.
  8. In the Overlay tab, uncheck "Auto-Disable OSD" and click the save icon.


Capturing the Performance Data:

  1. Open CapframeX and do NOT minimize or close it.
  2. Open the game and go to the part of the game you need to be to reproduce the issue. You should see the RTSS overlay in the top left corner of your screen, with the status "<game name> ready to capture…".
  3. Press F11 to start capturing data and reproduce the issue. The Status in the overlay will change to "Recording frametimes XX s".
  4. Once you have reproduced the issue, press F11 to finish the data capturing. The Status in the overlay will change to "Processing data".
  5. Back to CapFrameX, you can find all the data captures in the left panel of the Analysis tab. Clicking any one of these captures will display the results on the right.
  6. To export the data captured as a JSON file, right click the capture and click on "Copy/paste recording file(s)".

Additionally, to have a better understanding of your system configuration and components please generate System Support Utility (SSU) report. Please follow instructions here and send the report - How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs on Windows*


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hi Muza,

I wanted to follow up regarding the questions and information we shared with you recently. Have you had a chance to review them? Your feedback is invaluable in helping us determine the next best course of action. 

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or if there's anything else you need from us. 

Looking forward to your response! 


Best regards, 

Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,


First capture is with low shadows.

Second capture is with medium shadows.


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,


Forgot to add that the fps limiter in arc control centre does not work.

0 Kudos

Hello Muza,


Thank you for providing the CapFrameX report. I appreciate your prompt response and the detailed information.

To ensure we have all the necessary data for a thorough analysis, could you please also provide the System Support Utility (SSU) report? This will help me compile all the relevant information before forwarding it internally for further checking.


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to your response.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Muza,


I wanted to follow up regarding the SSU Log report I requested recently. This will help me compile all the relevant information before forwarding it internally for further checking.


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to your response.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,

Here is the SSU log report.

0 Kudos

Hello Muza,


Thank you for providing these details. I will now forward this internally for further investigation. While there is no ETA for a solution, rest assured that I will notify you once I have results. Thank you for your patience.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Muza,

We are currently reviewing the details of the issue you reported and would appreciate your assistance in clarifying a few points to help us better understand and resolve the problem.

  1. Arc Driver Version: Could you please confirm if you are using the Arc driver version 101.6299?
  2. Shadow Settings and FPS Drops: You mentioned experiencing significant FPS drops when adjusting the shadow settings. To assist us further, could you provide screenshots of your current graphics settings? Specifically, we would like to know if you are selecting the 1080P lowest preset and 1080P ultra preset without changing any other settings, or if you are adjusting the "shadow" setting separately. Screenshots of both scenarios would be very helpful.
  3. FPS and Stuttering: You reported low average FPS but did not mention encountering any stuttering. Could you please confirm if this is correct?

Your cooperation in providing this information will greatly assist us in diagnosing and addressing the issue.

Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,


(1)  I am currently using driver version

(2)  I am using these custom settings.


(3)  If I change shadow setting to high the fps drops from 60 to 40 fps. I am pretty sure it a bug because my gpu utilisation also drops during this. If I change the shadow settings again, gpu utilization is normal again and fps goes up.


Some minor issues:

There is also a red flickering on some textures when using XESS.

 FPS drops when some enemies (Specially DREKI) use lightning effects.


0 Kudos

Hello Muza,


Thank you for clarifying the information you provided. I will forward this to our team for further review. We are currently investigating this matter to determine if it is indeed a bug, so we can implement the necessary fixes as quickly as possible.


I appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue. I will reach out to you once we have completed our analysis.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello @Muza ,


Could you please provide us with the model of your PSU? Is it of enough capacity? 


Additionally, you mentioned experiencing red flickering on some textures when using XESS and FPS drops when certain enemies, particularly DREKI, use lighting effects. We have a few more questions to help us better understand and resolve these issues:


  1. In which locations or parts of the game do you encounter the DREKIs?
  2. Could you provide us with a recording of the red flickering you mentioned?


Your assistance in providing this information will help us address the issues more effectively.


Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello @RandyT_Intel ,


I do not think my PSU is the problem because i just recently replaced it. The old PSU was causing my PC to restart under heavy load.


Regarding the issues with GOW Ragnarok ,


1: Any DREKI with heavy particle effects specially lightning would cause that.


2: I have already finished the game. The flickering would happen on certain objects specially in the forest level (Vanaheim).

The flickering also happens with TAA but is barely noticeable whereas using XESS makes the flickering worst.

0 Kudos

Hello @Muza ,


Thanks for the detailed information. I understand your PSU isn't the issue since it was recently replaced. I'll forward your insights about the GOW Ragnarok issues to our team.


Thank you for answering my question. I'll notify you once I have a recommendation.




Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello @Muza ,


Based on our findings, if you are using an 8th generation processor, we cannot guarantee the performance of games as your platform does not meet the minimum requirements for Arc cards.


Could you please confirm if your motherboard has Re-bar enabled? This setting can significantly impact performance.


Additionally, we recommend cross-checking by using the same Arc card on another platform that meets the minimum requirements for Arc cards. This will help determine if the issue is related to your current setup.


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello @Muza ,

I wanted to follow up regarding the questions and information we shared with you recently. Have you had a chance to review them? Your feedback is invaluable in helping us determine the next best course of action. 

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or if there's anything else you need from us. 

Looking forward to your response! 


Best regards, 

Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello @Muza ,


Since I have not received any response from you, I will proceed with closing this ticket. Please note that this case will no longer be monitored. 

If you have any new questions or inquiries, kindly submit another ticket, and we will be happy to assist you. 


Best regards, 


Randy T. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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