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Valorant crashes/Freezes in buy menu 50% of the time

New Contributor III

A key element for us to address bugs or issues is being able to reproduce them in our test labs.


Please make sure you provide the following basic information when reporting a bug:

  1. What is the graphics driver you are using?
    • latest driver Bandit8623_0-1732343307596.png


  2. Tell us the name of the game or application and where to obtain it (Steam, Epic, etc.)


  1. Provide us with the Intel SSU report from your system.


  1. Tell us the steps to reproduce the issue (this is very important!).

fullscreen mode it will freeze and sometimes come back after 10-20 seconds.  other times its 1 min.  sometimes when it comes back the game has to reload the map...  


does not happen on windowed fullscreen or windowed.  started happening about a month ago

  1. For graphics corruption (per example artifacts, textures corruption or lighting glitches) please use Intel Arc Control to capture screenshots or a video showing the bug.

sorry it just freezes and game reloads,   nothing i can capture.


open ticket with riot games..  my friends with nvidia and amd no such issues.

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14 Replies
New Contributor III

so the issue seems to be a compatibility issuw with arc and this monitor.  using the onscreen control program it freezes up my system when playing games.  alt tabbing makes the game delayed for 10-15 seconds.  buy menu freezes and such.



updated from osc 9.28 to the 9.35 above and all seems fixed for now.  

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New Contributor III

still happening on latest osc.  help intel thx

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Hello Bandit8623,


I really appreciate your effort for performing some troubleshooting steps. I would just like to gather more information to further investigate on the issue you are having. Please share the information below.


1. Is the issue isolated to Valorant? Have you checked if the issue happens with other games?

2. Did you make any recent changes to the system before the issue occurred?

3. Would the issue happen right away after selecting full screen mode?


Furthermore, based on the SSU logs that you shared, I can see that the graphics driver of Intel® Arc™ A770 is 101.6297. We have released a newer driver and I'd like to recommend that you try the latest driver version 101.6299. You can download the latest driver here.


Please let me know if recommendation above will improve anything.


I look forward to your response.


Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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New Contributor III

1. Is the issue isolated to Valorant? Have you checked if the issue happens with other games?

the crashing is only valorant,  but other symptoms happen in CS2 as well. for example with lg OnsSreenControl running when alt tabbing out of game then back in the game keyboard controls are delayed a second for a duration of 15 seconds then all is fine.  this heppens in CS and valorant.  As soon as i close OnScreenControl this doesnt happen .  i can alt tab in and out no delay.


2. Did you make any recent changes to the system before the issue occurred?

I purchased the LG in may 32GS95UE-B

i use it on 480hz mode .  

the crashing didnt always happen so thats somewhat new in the last month or so.  but the delayed input on alt tab has always been there.  OnScreenControl i have tried all versions of it currently on latest. there have been at least 5 diff updates

3. Would the issue happen right away after selecting full screen mode?

yes if i change to fullscreen mode and alt tab the delay is there.  the buy menu crashing doesnt happen everytime im in the buy menu,  but its probly 25% of the time the longer i kstay in the buy menu the greater chance it will freeze.   game never crashes while not in buy menu.  disabling and force closing OnScreenControl then the game runs fine


i did update to latest driver 101.6299  i cant get valorant to crash in practice mode and in buy menu.  i wont know if the crash/freeze is gone until i play some comp games.  but the delayed alt tab is for sure still there.

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New Contributor III

got this from valorant dev team.


Windows Error Reporting:

+++ WER0 +++

Fault bucket 1579894238541287955, type 5

Event Name: BEX64

Response: Not available

Cab Id: 1414400743584770934


Problem signature:

P1: ArcControlAssist.exe

P2: 1.80.5684.2

P3: 66fdc3d4

P4: StackHash_ac46


P6: 00000000

P7: PCH_32_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000160204

P8: c0000005

P9: 0000000000000008


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Hello Bandit8623


Thank you for answering all the questions. I would just like to gather more information to further isolate the issue. Please see the additional information that I need.


1. Is the delay only happening when LG OnScreen Control is running?

2. Have you tried using an alternative monitor to see if the same issue will persist?

3. Have you had the chance to contact LG about this issue?


I hope to hear from you soon!


Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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New Contributor III

1. Is the delay only happening when LG OnScreen Control is running? 


2. Have you tried using an alternative monitor to see if the same issue will persist?

i only have 1 lg monitor my main lg-32GS95UE-B.AUS.  my other 3 monitors dont use lg onscreen control.

3. Have you had the chance to contact LG about this issue?

i havent.  but i my friends with nvidia and amd dont seem to have this issue with their lg monitor.  



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Hello Bandit8623,


I appreciate you for answering the additional questions. I'll be investigating this issue that you are having and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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New Contributor III


Hi thanks.

so i tried on my dual boot windows 10 drive/machine same drivers same hardware.  and no issues.  so it seems to be windows 11.

hope that helps to test.



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Hi Bandit8623,


Thank you for providing an additional information to help with the investigation. I would just like to get more information from you to thoroughly investigate this.


1. Please share the event viewer logs so we can check the error message and game settings

2. Screen recording demonstrating how to replicate the issue


These information will assist us in assessing the problem more effectively.


Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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New Contributor III

@JedG_Intel Im sorry im not willing to put in the time to go into the game and get this all for you.  game works fine on windows 10.  so ill be sticking with this for now.  settings were the same for both windows 11 and 10.

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Hi Bandit8623,

I totally understand your position. I'll check this further internally and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Bandit8623,


I'm following up on the investigation that I have conducted. While we cannot guarantee compatibility with every single device available in the market, we'll try to address issues with LG-32GS95UE and we thank you for your feedback. We cannot commit to a fix but please keep the drivers up to date as new fixes will roll out constantly.


Best regards,

Jed G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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New Contributor III
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