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Changing resolutions causes Read failed


Hi, On OpenVINO, 
We convert the model using into different input resolutions, and during inference of some resolutions get the error below,
tested both with Movidius and Movidius X (Neural stick versions one and two),
usually on Movidius (stick version one) there is no such error, and we do get it on Movidius X (stick version two)
e.g on Movidius X resolutions 128 X 128 X 3 and 256 X 256 X 3 work, but we get this error on 192 X 192 X 3, and every resolution above 256 X 256 X 3.
whereas on Movidius it works on all of the resolutions, below 480 X 480 X 3 (and we get this error on 480 X 480 X 3).
(the behavior is consistent, if there's an error on some resolution it always appear).

BTW on NCSDK 2, we got a similar error ("Read failed -4") when approaching the limit of resources allocation (yet not crossing it),
Maybe it's resources related?
Is there something we can do?

Full error text is (when running in async fashion in a loop 5 times over the same input):

E: [xLink] [ 0] dispatcherEventReceive:308 dispatcherEventReceive() Read failed -4 | event 0x7f2825bb5ef0 USB_READ_REL_RESP

E: [xLink] [ 0] eventReader:254 eventReader stopped
E: [xLink] [ 0] dispatcherWaitEventComplete:694 waiting is timeout, sending reset remote event
E: [ncAPI] [ 0] ncFifoReadElem:2853 Packet reading is failed.
(Here we get good rsults)
(Here we get zero processing time, output seems of the last result)
(Here we get zero processing time, output seems of the last result)
(Here we get zero processing time, output seems of the last result)
(Here we get zero processing time, output seems of the last result)
E: [ncAPI] [ 0] ncFifoDestroy:2672 Failed to write to fifo before deleting it!
E: [ncAPI] [ 0] ncFifoDestroy:2672 Failed to write to fifo before deleting it!

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