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I'm trying to run a mask RCNN model with python API. I succeed with the mask_RCNN_demo (C++ version), the out.png looks ok.
However, when I try to run it following the segmentation_demo.py it is not as I expected.
I have 2 outputs as follows:
{'masks': <openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.OutputInfo at 0x7fe0762d3eb8>,
'reshape_do_2d': <openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.OutputInfo at 0x7fe0762d3f30>}
It should be 5 like the ouputs of mask-RCNN right ? ['num_detections', 'detection_boxes', 'detection_scores', 'detection_classes', 'detection_masks']
the dimension of 'masks' is: (100, 90, 15, 15) and 'reshape_do_2d' is (100, 7) . Why the size of image is (15,15), I think it equal to the dimension of an input image (800,800)
Thank you so much in advance,
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After digging into the C++ source code of mask_rcnn_demo I fond that the output of mask is the same as (100, 90, 15, 15) and it can mask all the source image. Seems like I misunderstand something, I will continue to read to demo code but very appreciated if someone can guide me to some tutorial about this. It is a concept of mask_rcnn or something open vino make it. Thank you in advance
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I asked exactly the same question a few weeks ago but i face some issues too.
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Thanks @François :D Yeah quite similar question but you are ahead me a little bit. Can I ask you about how to redraw your image from the masks output ? You mentioned object_detection methods but I don't know how to do it. Thank you in advance.
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Truong, Dien Hoa wrote:Thanks @François :D Yeah quite similar question but you are ahead me a little bit. Can I ask you about how to redraw your image from the masks output ? You mentioned object_detection methods but I don't know how to do it. Thank you in advance.
I'am currently at work then i don't have my "Python code" on this computer.
I'll be at home tonight then i'll send you tonight.
The idea is that the output mask is a 4x15x15 image of the mask. I remembered i follow this step :
- Convert 4x15x15 image to greyscale
- Resize from (15x15) to (BboxW, BboxH)
- Threshold the mask output
- Create an image (ImageW,ImageH) with pixels coresponding to BBox values to 1.
- Use tensorflow object_detection_api (Github) method in order to draw the mask (utils.visualisation utils from there. )
I will send you the code in about 6-7hours if you don't have any answer this time !
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Thank you so much @François . I think I understand the concept of drawing mask now. I will try to implement it based on your suggestion. Can I ask you one more question ? How do you retrain your model. I am now just using the original mask RCNN. I have an error with my own model training by tensorflow API.
I have posted my problem on this thread : https://software.intel.com/node/804892
It includes my .pb model also the config file. Can you take a look on it ? Thank you in advance
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Personnally i never retrained model throught openVino.
I used only tensorflow object detection API.
In order to do this, i :
- Created a VOC Like Dataset with a VOC Tool. It generates PNG, with one color per class and one color per object + original file.
- Edited dataset_tool from TF object detection API in order to load my masks.
- Edited the config file corresponding to my network (samples\configs directory)
- Put it in a "training dir"
- Executed the command in order to start training (on a powerful computer)
python model_main.py --alsologtostderr --model_dir=training_inception_mask2019/ --pipeline_config_path=training_inception_mask2019/z_mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco.config
- Generate inference graph
python export_inference_graph.py --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path training_inception_mask/z_mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix training_inception_mask/model.ckpt-10835 --output_directory 2018_12_22_inception_mask/
- Used model optimiser on .pb generated file
- Used OpenCV Gengraph script...
- Did inference with Tensorflow / OpenCV and tried OpenVino (with bad results)
For source code :
I used this code in order to make OpenVino TF compatible :
def image_to_tensor(image,channels,h,w,info="",KeepRatio=False): image_tensor=np.zeros(shape=(1,channels,h,w),dtype=np.uint8) if image.shape[:-1]!=(h,w): log.warning("Image {} is resized from {} to {}".format(info, image.shape[:-1],(h,w))) if (KeepRatio): h0,w0=image.shape[0],image.shape[1] print((h0,w0)) ratio=float(max(h,w))/float(max(h0,w0)) h1=int(ratio*h0) w1=int(ratio*w0) image=cv2.resize(image,(w1,h1)) #Normalise between [0-1] image=image.transpose((2,0,1)) image_tensor[0][:,0:h1,0:w1]=image else: image=cv2.resize(image,(w,h)) image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) image_tensor[0]=image return image_tensor def getMask_From_BBoxMask(Bbox,OriginalMask,original_image): #Cette méthode à pour but de recréer un masque [0-1] de la taille de l'image [Height,Width]=original_image.shape[0],original_image.shape[1] Result=np.zeros((Height,Width),dtype=np.uint8) y0, x0, y1, x1 = Bbox ymin=min(y1,y0) ymax=max(y1,y0) xmin=min(x1,x0) xmax=max(x1,x0) xmin=int(min(max(xmin*Width,0),Width)) xmax=int(max(min(xmax*Width,Width),0)) ymin=int(min(max(ymin*Height,0),Height)) ymax=int(max(min(ymax*Height,Height),0)) BboxW=int(abs(xmax-xmin)) BboxH=int(abs(ymax-ymin)) if(BboxW>0 and BboxH>0): MaxMask=(np.amax(OriginalMask,axis=0)*255).astype(np.uint8) ResizedMask = cv2.resize(MaxMask, dsize=(BboxW, BboxH), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) Result[ymin:ymin+BboxH,xmin:xmin+BboxW]=(ResizedMask>128)*1 return Result def get_OutputDict_FromVino(result,original_image,image_tensor,KeepRatio=False): output_dict={} Detection=result['detection_output'][0][0] # (?,?,[batch], label, prob, x1, y1, x2, y2) Labels=Detection[:,1] Scores=Detection[:,2] coef=1 h0,w0=original_image.shape[0],original_image.shape[1] if(KeepRatio): h,w=image_tensor.shape[2],image_tensor.shape[3] ratio=float(max(h,w))/float(max(h0,w0)) coef=float(max(h,w))/(ratio*float(min(h0,w0))) print(coef) if h0<w0: Bboxs=np.array([Detection[:,4]*coef,Detection[:,3],Detection[:,6]*coef,Detection[:,5]]).transpose() else: Bboxs=np.array([Detection[:,4],Detection[:,3]*coef,Detection[:,6],Detection[:,5]*coef]).transpose() output_dict['detection_boxes']=Bboxs output_dict['detection_classes']=Labels.astype(np.uint8) print(Labels[:5]) print(Scores[:5]) output_dict['detection_scores']=Scores # Masks est l'image de taille 15x15 de l'intérieur Bbox Masks=[] for i in range(len(result['masks'])): Masks.append(getMask_From_BBoxMask(Bboxs,result['masks'],original_image)) output_dict['detection_masks']=np.array(Masks) print(output_dict['detection_masks'].shape) return output_dict
Please, let me now if you face the same issue than me !
Because i didn't solve it yet and i tried to go on C++ code in order to solve the problem (without success yet).
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Thank you for your very detailed explanation @Francois. I did the same thing as you. I used Tensorflow API too but used the legacy/train.py instead of model_train.py and used a different kind of dataset rather than VOC. I will look further on this.
So your issue with python API is the result is worst than with the mask_rcnn_demo right ? I don't have much experience on C++ so I think I would stick with python. Do you think about making a wrapping of using this C++ code inside the python application ?
Thank you,
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Truong, Dien Hoa wrote:Thank you for your very detailed explanation @Francois. I did the same thing as you. I used Tensorflow API too but used the legacy/train.py instead of model_train.py and used a different kind of dataset rather than VOC. I will look further on this.
So your issue with python API is the result is worst than with the mask_rcnn_demo right ? I don't have much experience on C++ so I think I would stick with python. Do you think about making a wrapping of using this C++ code inside the python application ?
Thank you,
It is exactly what i'want to do ! I don't have much experience in c++ too, but i try in this post :=> Last Issue <=
In order to label my images, i used this Tool :
Pleased to help !
You know i'am a little like you when i ask myself for some help then i'am glad when people can answer !
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Sure @Francois, especially when I see the french comment in your code :D . Thanks to your help now I understand further mask-RCNN.
I then come to this post https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/11/19/mask-r-cnn-with-opencv/ to see how others processes the masks outputs.
I will try to fix my problem on convert the .pb model with MO then see why the performance is different in python code and C++.
I will let you know if I have news,
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Hi @Francois, which tool do you use for creating the VOC like dataset ? then you use dataset_tools/create_pascal_tf_record.py to create your record ? I can't find the segmentation part in the VOC dataset. And also which pipelineconfig file you use ? Thank you in advance
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Hey !
I used this tool :
But i think in every cases you'll have to change content of create_pascal_tf_record.py because it is not done for this format !
I did my own version that work !
I used the pipelineconfig from sample/config directory, because the one with the network do not work.
In order to convert the model with model optimiser, you can see how i did in my previous post !
But i didn't find any solution in order to get the same performance than with tensorflow or opencv.
Nowaday, i use an opencv based inference engine, exactly like in the post you showed me !
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Thanks. So you mean the mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco.config in the sample/ folder ?
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Yes exactly, if it is the model you use :)
Just be careful, you'll need coherence between number of classes, evaluation etc...
In oder to retrain you'll have to edit the config file :
- What is number of classes.
- Where is located original model.
- where is located training tf records.
- where is located eval tf records.
Be also careful with the training step, i know that i had to reduce it because i faced divergence.
You'll have to follow the loss with tensorboard.
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Hi @Francois, Thank you so much for always paying attention to my question. I was quite panic that keeping asking too many questions (even during the weekend). I think I finally find out the problem. It seems like I used the tensorflow version 1.12 which is not compatible yet with openvino. I now use version 1.9 and I can succesfully generate an IR model using mo.py. I need continue to explore if the model is correct. But anyway, now I'm happy
Now I can focus on improving my model and catch up with you ^^.
Thank you again and have a nice weekend,
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