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6420 Discussions

[NCS2, RPi] Running multiple models as a flask app


I have a flask app running multiple models with one NCS2.


Implementation wise, individual models have their own module with initialization and inference functions that's imported to the main flask app.


There's a callback function that releases opencv resources, but it returns this error whenever I try to run a different model afterwards. (this one is called manually after running a face-detection model with flask)


E: [ncAPI] [ 196800] resetAll:256 Failed to connect to stalled device, rc: X_LINK_ERROR Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 48, in <module> out = net.forward() cv2.error: OpenCV(4.0.1-openvino) /home/jenkins/workspace/OpenCV/OpenVINO/build/opencv/modules/dnn/src/op_inf_engine.cpp:553: error: (-215:Assertion failed) Failed to initialize Inference Engine backend: Can not init USB device: NC_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND in function 'initPlugin'


I tried resetting the USB manually to release the graph in the NCS2; but the moment I unplug the usb I get these messages. (also gonna try software reset with usbreset.c, but I expect something similar)




λ ~ python3 server/server


OpenCV(4.0.1-openvino) /home/jenkins/workspace/OpenCV/OpenVINO/build/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:3784: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !ssize.empty() in function 'resize'


//Unplugged and replugged NCS2 without calling the face detection function - A okay //Unplugged NCS2 after running it and stopping it E: [xLink] [ 938622] dispatcherEventReceive:308 dispatcherEventReceive() Read failed -1 | event 0x67b01e00 USB_READ_REL_REQ E: [xLink] [ 938622] eventReader:256 eventReader stopped E: [watchdog] [ 938711] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 939711] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 940712] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 941712] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 942712] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 943712] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 944713] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 945713] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 946713] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 947713] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 948713] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR E: [watchdog] [ 949714] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR ... `


Module itself has this structure


import cv2 from importlib import reload net = "" cap = "" def get_frame(): ... return jpeg.tobytes() def gen(): ... yield (get_frame()) def cam_start(): global cap, net #net = cv2.dnn.readNet('face-detection-adas-0001.xml', 'face-detection-adas-0001.bin') net = cv2.dnn.readNet('/home/pi/server/face_detection/face-detection-retail-0004.xml', '/home/pi/server/face_detection/face-detection-retail-0004.bin') # Specify target device net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_V4L) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 15) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 480) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 360) return "cam started" def cam_stop(): global cap, net del net net = "" cap.release() reload(cv2) #cv2.destroyAllWindows() return "cam stopped"


They both run fine individually.


I looked through opencv4.0.1 documentation to look for a way to release the graph or anything relevant in the dnn module section, but I've had no luck so far.


Anything I might've missed or hacky potential solution would be appreciated :)



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8 Replies

Hi @minswho ,


Thanks for contacting us. Let me know if I understand correctly, you have two models that run fine individually but when you attempt to use them together it fails, may I ask which release of OpenVINO Toolkit are you using? Also your host OS and any other details that could be helpful (i.e. powered USB hub 2.0/3.0, Ubuntu 16.04, etc.). If you could also share your code to help us reproduce the problem would be great.




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I believe I'm running R5. And no, models are run one at a time. However, when I try to load the NCS with another model after having already run one, it gives out the "failed to connect to stalled device" error, even with cam_stop() releasing opencv resources. I found a hacky workaround where I intentionally cause a module import error to kind of hard reset (idk, it's a throwaway demo under time crunch), but I'd still like to find out how I can "reset" the NCS2.


Finally, this is a bit unrelated, but can I ask if movidius plan on eventually supporting RNN with NCS2? If not, could you recommend any similar chipsets that support RNN who'll be in volume manufacturing by Q4 2019?

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@Luis_at_Intel I encountered exactly the same error message on my UP-BOARD computer (Win10 1709) with NCS2 (through additional power supply USB3.0 Y cable) and OpenVINO 2018 R5.0.1. I believe this issue can be easily reproduced with OpenVino TinyYOLO object detection Python example (async mode) after running the object detection 2~3 hours continuously. I have no idea why it's not stable under torture testing. Hopefully, NCS2 is designed for 24x7 workload, and it's not an overheating issue.


WinUsb_ReadPipe: System err 2


[35mE: [xLink] [ 0] handleIncomingEvent:240 handleIncomingEvent() Read failed -2




WinUsb_WritePipe: System err 22


[33mW: [xLink] [ 0] dispatcherEventReceive:324


WinUsb_WritePipe failed with error:=22


[35mE: [xLink] [ 0] dispatcherEventSend:889 Write failed header -2 | event USB_WRITE_REQ




Failed to handle incoming event[0m


WinUsb_SetPipePolicy: System err 22


[35mE: [xLink] [ 0] dispatcherEventReceive:308 dispatcherEventReceive() Read failed -2 | event 00000010C2B2FEA0 USB_WRITE_REQ




[35mE: [xLink] [ 0] eventReader:256 eventReader stopped[0m


[35mE: [ncAPI] [ 0] ncGraphQueueInference:3538 Can't send trigger request[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m


[35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m
0 Kudos

@Luis_at_Intel BTW, the error I encountered seems to be related to


I'm not able to reproduce the USB link disconnection issue when NCS2 running under sync mode (using infer() instead of start_async() ) with TinyYOLO Python example. Is it possible to return a meaningful error code rather than USB link disconnection while NCSv2 overheating?
0 Kudos



Hi Luis, I just wanted to follow up.


Your input would be really appreciated.
0 Kudos

Hi @minswho ,


Apologies for the delay in my response. Unfortunately we cannot comment or share any roadmap information for the NCS/NCS2 devices, but I will provide this feedback to the engineering team. As far as any recommendations go for similar chipsets that support RNN I'm sorry but I don't have any insights for that.


I am trying to find out if there is a way in the OpenVINO toolkit to reset the device, I will get back to you as I get more information. Thank you for your patience.




0 Kudos

Hi @minswho ,


Thank you for your patience. I believe I have found information related on how to reset the NCS device within OpenVINO. There is a parameter KEY_VPU_FORCE_RESET that resets any stalled devices on plugin initialization, it must be used with SetConfig method. I am hoping to find the equivalent configuration parameters in python, but I think the information below should hopefully guide you in the right direction.


Myriad Plugin, Supported Configuration Parameters


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