Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1165 Discussions

Quartus II 13.0 SP1 License for Cyclone (I) devices (obsolete)



I am targeting a Cyclone I device (EP3C10E144I7) using Quartus II 13.0 SP1 and I need a license for compilation support and generating programming files.


  • This version of software does not include the latest functional and security updates.

Ok, but this is the latest version of quartus supporting Cyclone devices - source: Intel® Quartus II v13.0 Software and Device Support Release Notes (PDF)


  • I have already contacted an Intel authorised distributor and they don't have a quartus II license in their product catalog, they only have quartus PRIME licenses.

Will a license for quartus prime work in quartus II 13.0 SP1???


  • Is there any document that describes that Quartus II licenses are backward compatible with 13.0 sp1 versions? 


All the links that refer to Altera don't work.


Thank you in advance, 

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1 Solution



Apologize for the delay as I was out of office currently. There is no accurate document describe Quartus prime license is compatible with Quartus II 13.0sp1 but if you refer to Quartus prime software Q&A

9. Q. I need to use an old version of Intel Quartus development software. Where can I get a license?

A. You do not need a new license file to use the older version of software as long as the version you want to use was released prior to the product's maintenance expiration date. A listing of all Intel Quartus development software releases and their release dates can be found on our website.

This show that Quartus license is backward-compatible.


Alternatively, you could apply Quartus® II Software SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX. Login to Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center and request the Quartus evaluation free license here          

1.          Login to

2.          Go to Sign up for Evaluation or Free licenses

3.          Select Intel® Quartus® II Software SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX

4.          # of Seats is always 1 for Quartus Web Edition

5.          Check the T&C box

6.          Click Get License button

7.          Check the option product Intel FPGA Software SII-NONVOLENCRYP

8.          Add New Computer or Assign an Existing computer

9.          Add the required fields

10.       Click Generate License


You will be taken to the Licensing page, and you should be able to receive the email with license attached

View solution in original post

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5 Replies



Welcome to INTEL forum. Based on my understanding, the Quartus license is backward compatible. It will support any version released prior to maintenance expiry date even if it's expired. In your case, Q Prime license will support Quartus II 13.0 SP1 and below.

“Is there any document that describes that Quartus II licenses are backward compatible with 13.0 sp1 versions?”

For more you could refer to Licensing Questions and Answers link under Manage Product Licenses Q9.


For more info regarding licensing, feel free to visit our website

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@AR_A_Intel Quartus II 13.0 sp1 is currently available to donwload from FPGA download center. (link: Intel® Quartus® II Subscription Edition Design Software Version 13.0sp1 for Windows)

However, none of the links provided in that page refer to the licensing options for this software,

In addition,  5.4. Types of Intel FPGA Software Licenses (capture below) doesn't refer to Quartus II sofware.


 So, if a Quartus prime license is compatible with Quartus II 13.0sp1, is there any document/datasheet that describes this?

And which license should I look for? A quartus prime pro or standard edition license? 


Thank you again,








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Please I need a solution ASAP


Seems that the only support line available is this forum, 


Thank you.

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Apologize for the delay as I was out of office currently. There is no accurate document describe Quartus prime license is compatible with Quartus II 13.0sp1 but if you refer to Quartus prime software Q&A

9. Q. I need to use an old version of Intel Quartus development software. Where can I get a license?

A. You do not need a new license file to use the older version of software as long as the version you want to use was released prior to the product's maintenance expiration date. A listing of all Intel Quartus development software releases and their release dates can be found on our website.

This show that Quartus license is backward-compatible.


Alternatively, you could apply Quartus® II Software SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX. Login to Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center and request the Quartus evaluation free license here          

1.          Login to

2.          Go to Sign up for Evaluation or Free licenses

3.          Select Intel® Quartus® II Software SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX

4.          # of Seats is always 1 for Quartus Web Edition

5.          Check the T&C box

6.          Click Get License button

7.          Check the option product Intel FPGA Software SII-NONVOLENCRYP

8.          Add New Computer or Assign an Existing computer

9.          Add the required fields

10.       Click Generate License


You will be taken to the Licensing page, and you should be able to receive the email with license attached

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We have not heard from you and I hope that my last note clears up this matter and it can now be move forward. I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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