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Two weeks ago I "signed up for Evaluation or No-Cost License" for the "Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition (License: SW-QUESTA).
The simulator was running perfectly. Using LM_LICENSE_FILE variable.
Yesterday suddenly the following error message appeared (see attachment)
Fatal License Error:
Unable to checkout a viewer license necessary for use of the Questa Intel Starter FPGA Edition graphical user interface. Vsim is closing.
How can I fix this issue.
The License file should be valid for 1 Year though?
Best regards,
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Here the erroe message:
# Start time: 10:00:11 on Nov 17,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-8009) Loading existing optimized design _opt2
# ** License Issue: License request for intelqsimstarter feature failed
# ** License Issue: Cannot checkout an uncounted license within a Windows Terminal Services guest session. (C:\licenses\flexlm\LR-146054_License.dat)
# ** License Issue: Cannot find license file. (C:\flexlm\license.dat)
# ** Error: Failure to obtain a VHDL simulation license. Unable to checkout 'intelqsimstarter' license.
# Error loading design
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Few things you can do.
- For Questa FSE, have you tried to regenerate the free license again?
- To disable internet connection and rerun simulation
- Or use diff connection and rerun
Let me know any update.
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I added my PDF steps I followed to get there. Mostly followed the great youtube guide source which might get you there pretty fast is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5kHFiAVcRI
Ok,,, I think my linux system as all configured up to start coding some FPGA finally.
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Many thanks to jster's solution kindly shared to the community, especially the PDF file.
I followed the PDF steps mostly for my Windows 10's QuestaIntel Starter FPGA Edition-64 2023.3 (coming with Quartus Lite 23.1std). My issue was the NIC ID output from my terminal's ipconfig /all is not the same as the NIC ID shown in Quartus.
After coping the NIC ID from Quartus and went to SSLC to use that NIC ID generating a new license, I placed it in a path and update the system environment variables. Then I was able to start Questa Sim.
It took me at least five hours resolving this issue, and the solution posted above was the one that actually helped me. Thank you again!