Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28521 Discussions

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol FAGLSTARTWATCH

I have a code designed with CVF and it uses Array Visualizer, I have download already Array Visualizer and I have set the paths for libraries and Includes. I have a module where we call all the graph - things, inside there is the call of the following subroutines :
call faglStartWatch(VDATA, status)
call faglShow(VDATA, status)
call faglName(VDATA, "Response at monitor node direction x", status)
and while I am trying to Link them (x64 platform) I receive :
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol FAGLSTARTWATCH
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol FAGLSHOW
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol FAGLNAME
please give me some information how I can resolve these problems, maybe there are some other calls ...
Please find attached the module.
Thank you in advance.
PS I am usingIntel Visual Fortran Compiler XE [Intel 64]
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
You have to specify that the link step should use the Array Visualizer library that contains the missing symbols. You specified where to find the library, but you may not have have asked which extra libraries should be searched.
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Intel AV has a modified API from that in CVF. You will need to study the Intel AV documentation to see what you need to change. I see that there is an avStartWatch, but don't know what is equivalent to faglShow and faglName.
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